MCPatcher version is 2.3.5_01 OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64 JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.6.0_30 (64 bit) Classpath: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Minecraft Mods and Textures\Minecraft 1.2.3\mcpatcher-2.3.5_01.exe Minecraft version is 1.2.3 (md5 260eb475b27dd571e31d70eaa7da1a60) WARNING: possibly modded minecraft.jar (orig md5 12f6c4b1bdcc63f029e3c088a364b8e4) Analyzing C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft-1.2.3.jar (1758 files) EntityReddustFX matches aab.class Potion matches aad.class setPotionName matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Laad; EntityList matches aao.class addMapping matches a (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;I)V RenderEngine matches aar.class updateDynamicTextures matches a ([IIII)V refreshTextures matches b ()V RenderEngine matches aaw.class updateDynamicTextures matches a ([IIII)V refreshTextures matches b ()V BiomeGenBase matches abn.class getTemperaturef matches j ()F getRainfallf matches i ()F setBiomeName matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Labn; EntityLiving matches acl.class EntityLiving matches acl.class Material matches acn.class EntityLiving matches acq.class EntityLiving matches acq.class ItemSpawnerEgg matches acv.class getItemNameIS matches d (Laan;)Ljava/lang/String; getColorFromDamage matches b (II)I NBTTagCompound matches ady.class BlockStem matches aei.class getRenderColor matches d (I)I FlowWater matches ael.class EntityPortalFX matches aep.class BlockFluid matches agv.class colorMultiplier matches c (Lali;III)I BlockRedstoneWire matches ahc.class randomDisplayTick matches b (Lwz;IIILjava/util/Random;)V BlockRedstoneWire matches ahi.class randomDisplayTick matches b (Lwz;IIILjava/util/Random;)V TexturePackFolder matches aiq.class TexturePackCustom matches aju.class WorldProviderHell matches ajz.class WorldProviderHell matches akf.class WorldProvider matches akv.class getFogColor matches b (FF)Lbm; WorldProvider matches alb.class getFogColor matches b (FF)Lbm; IBlockAccess matches ali.class IBlockAccess matches ali.class BlockMycelium matches alr.class getBlockTexture matches d (Lali;IIII)I RenderSpider matches amo.class StillLava matches bv.class EntitySheep matches cs.class GLAllocation matches ew.class createDirectByteBuffer matches c (I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; RenderLiving matches fe.class doRenderLiving matches a (Lacq;DDDFF)V EntityDropParticleFX matches ga.class onUpdate matches J_ ()V FlowLava matches gf.class TexturePackList matches gi.class TexturePackList matches gi.class TexturePackList matches gi.class ColorizerFoliage matches gu.class ColorizerFoliage matches gu.class TexturePackBase matches h.class getInputStream matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream; TexturePackBase matches h.class getInputStream matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream; TexturePackBase matches h.class getInputStream matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/InputStream; java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Item -> ym because there is already a class map for Item -> yr at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) ItemDye matches hm.class GameSettings matches hr.class Watch matches ht.class GameSettings matches hu.class PotionHelper matches hx.class WorldProviderEnd matches if.class getFogColor matches b (FF)Lbm; WorldProviderEnd matches ii.class getFogColor matches b (FF)Lbm; EntitySuspendFX matches ky.class RenderGlobal matches l.class renderSky matches a (F)V renderClouds matches b (F)V TexturePackDefault matches lc.class EntityRenderer matches lo.class updateFogColor matches g (F)V updateLightmap matches e ()V EntityRenderer matches lr.class updateFogColor matches g (F)V updateLightmap matches e ()V ItemRenderer matches mk.class ItemRenderer matches mk.class ItemRenderer matches mn.class ItemRenderer matches mn.class Fire matches nh.class Entity matches nk.class Entity matches nk.class setPositionAndRotation matches b (DDDFF)V FontRenderer matches nl.class FontRenderer matches nl.class FontRenderer matches nl.class renderString matches a (Ljava/lang/String;IIIZ)I EntitySplashFX matches nw.class Block matches ox.class Block matches ox.class getRenderColor matches d (I)I Block matches pb.class Block matches pb.class getRenderColor matches d (I)I StillWater matches qa.class BlockGrass matches qy.class getBlockTexture matches d (Lali;IIII)I WorldChunkManager matches rs.class java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Entity -> nn because there is already a class map for Entity -> nk at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) RenderEnderman matches st.class TextureFX matches tt.class onTick matches a ()V Compass matches tu.class BlockLeaves matches ub.class colorMultiplier matches c (Lalc;III)I BlockLeaves matches uf.class colorMultiplier matches c (Lalc;III)I java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Item -> ym because there is already a class map for Item -> yr at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) ItemBlock matches vd.class EntityBubbleFX matches vg.class RenderBlocks matches vh.class renderStandardBlockWithAmbientOcclusion matches a (Lox;IIIFFF)Z renderStandardBlockWithColorMultiplier matches b (Lox;IIIFFF)Z non-AO multipliers (R G B) = (15 16 17) AO faces (N S E W) = (14 15 12 13) RenderBlocks matches vl.class renderStandardBlockWithAmbientOcclusion matches a (Lox;IIIFFF)Z renderStandardBlockWithColorMultiplier matches b (Lox;IIIFFF)Z non-AO multipliers (R G B) = (14 15 16) AO faces (N S E W) = (17 18 15 16) RenderBlocks matches vl.class renderBlockRedstoneWire matches g (Lpb;III)Z renderBlockFallingSand matches a (Lpb;Lxd;III)V renderBlockFluids matches n (Lpb;III)Z MapColor matches wh.class java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map IBlockAccess -> alc because there is already a class map for IBlockAccess -> ali at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) World matches xd.class getSkyColor matches a (Lnk;F)Lbm; getSunAngle matches b (F)F java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Block -> pb because there is already a class map for Block -> ox at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) EntityAuraFX matches xy.class BlockLilyPad matches ye.class Item matches ym.class getColorFromDamage matches b (II)I getColorFromDamage(II)I has 2 params Portal matches zp.class ColorizerWater matches zt.class ColorizerGrass matches zv.class Minecraft matches net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class Minecraft matches net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class runTick matches k ()V Minecraft matches net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class Minecraft matches net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class runGameLoop matches x ()V multiple classes matched RenderEngine: aar aaw multiple classes matched ItemRenderer: mk mn multiple classes matched GameSettings: hr hu multiple classes matched Block: ox pb multiple classes matched RenderBlocks: vh vl multiple classes matched EntityLiving: acl acq multiple classes matched Block: ox pb no classes matched BiomeGenSwamp (best match: aar.class, 1 signatures) multiple classes matched ItemRenderer: mk mn multiple classes matched BlockLeaves: ub uf multiple classes matched WorldProvider: akv alb multiple classes matched WorldProviderHell: ajz akf multiple classes matched WorldProviderEnd: if ii no classes matched EntityRainFX multiple classes matched EntityLiving: acl acq multiple classes matched EntityRenderer: lo lr multiple classes matched BlockRedstoneWire: ahc ahi Analyzing C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft-1.2.3.jar (methods and fields) Minecraft (net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class) TextureFX (tt.class) field imageData matches f [B field tileNumber matches g I field tileSize matches j I field tileImage matches k I Compass (tu.class) Fire (nh.class) StillLava (bv.class) FlowLava (gf.class) StillWater (qa.class) FlowWater (ael.class) Watch (ht.class) Portal (zp.class) Minecraft (net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class) no match found for field texturePackList field renderEngine matches p Laar; field gameSettings matches A Lhr; no match found for field fontRenderer GLAllocation (ew.class) TexturePackList (gi.class) field selectedTexturePack matches a Lh; field defaultTexturePack matches c Lh; field minecraft matches e Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft; method updateAvailableTexturePacks matches a ()V method setTexturePack matches a (Lh;)Z method availableTexturePacks matches b ()Ljava/util/List; TexturePackBase (h.class) field texturePackFileName matches a Ljava/lang/String; method openTexturePackFile matches a ()V method closeTexturePackFile matches b ()V TexturePackCustom (aju.class) field zipFile matches e Ljava/util/zip/ZipFile; field file matches h Ljava/io/File; TexturePackDefault (lc.class) TexturePackFolder (aiq.class) field folder matches g Ljava/io/File; FontRenderer (nl.class) ColorizerWater (zt.class) field colorBuffer matches a [I ColorizerGrass (zv.class) field colorBuffer matches a [I ColorizerFoliage (gu.class) field colorBuffer matches a [I FontRenderer (nl.class) method getStringWidth matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)I Material (acn.class) field ground matches b Lacn; BlockGrass (qy.class) BlockMycelium (alr.class) IBlockAccess (ali.class) method getBlockId matches a (III)I method getBlockMetadata matches e (III)I method getBlockMaterial matches f (III)Lacn; RenderLiving (fe.class) RenderSpider (amo.class) RenderEnderman (st.class) Entity (nk.class) field entityId matches f I field nextEntityID matches a I method getEntityTexture matches K ()Ljava/lang/String; no match found for method writeToNBT NBTTagCompound (ady.class) method getLong matches g (Ljava/lang/String;)J method setLong matches a (Ljava/lang/String;J)V Minecraft (net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class) no match found for field texturePackList TexturePackList (gi.class) field selectedTexturePack matches a Lh; field defaultTexturePack matches c Lh; field minecraft matches e Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft; TexturePackBase (h.class) field texturePackFileName matches a Ljava/lang/String; TexturePackList (gi.class) field selectedTexturePack matches a Lh; field defaultTexturePack matches c Lh; field minecraft matches e Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft; TexturePackBase (h.class) field texturePackFileName matches a Ljava/lang/String; Minecraft (net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class) no match found for field texturePackList field theWorld matches f Lwz; IBlockAccess (ali.class) method getBlockId matches a (III)I method getBlockMetadata matches e (III)I method getBiomeGenAt matches a (II)Labn; BiomeGenBase (abn.class) method getGrassColor matches k ()I method getFoliageColor matches l ()I java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add method map BiomeGenBase.getFoliageColor -> l because it is already mapped to k at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addMethodMap( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.ClassMod.mapClassMembers( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClassMembers( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.getApplicableMods( at com.pclewis.mcpatcher.MainForm$ at Source) BlockFluid (agv.class) Item (ym.class) Potion (aad.class) PotionHelper (hx.class) ColorizerFoliage (gu.class) WorldChunkManager (rs.class) method getBiomeGenAt matches a (II)Labn; Entity (nk.class) field worldObj matches k Lwz; EntityDropParticleFX (ga.class) EntitySplashFX (nw.class) EntityBubbleFX (vg.class) EntitySuspendFX (ky.class) EntityPortalFX (aep.class) EntityAuraFX (xy.class) BlockLilyPad (ye.class) RenderBlocks (vl.class) method renderBlockCauldron matches a (Lxm;III)Z EntityReddustFX (aab.class) RenderGlobal (l.class) BlockStem (aei.class) MapColor (wh.class) field mapColorArray matches a [Lwh; field colorValue matches p I field colorIndex matches q I EntitySheep (cs.class) field fleeceColorTable matches a [[F EntityList (aao.class) ItemSpawnerEgg (acv.class) FontRenderer (nl.class) 5 available mods: [ NO] HD Textures 1.2 - Provides support for texture packs of size 32x32 and higher. multiple classes matched RenderEngine: aar aaw multiple classes matched ItemRenderer: mk mn multiple classes matched GameSettings: hr hu [YES] HD Font 1.3 - Provides support for higher resolution fonts. [ NO] Better Grass 1.0 - Improves the look of the sides of grass blocks. Inspired by MrMessiah's mod. multiple classes matched Block: ox pb multiple classes matched RenderBlocks: vh vl [ NO] Random Mobs 1.1 - Randomize mob skins if texture pack supports it. Based on Balthichou's mod. multiple classes matched EntityLiving: acl acq [ NO] Custom Colors 1.4 - Gives texture packs control over hardcoded colors in the game. multiple classes matched Block: ox pb no classes matched BiomeGenSwamp multiple classes matched ItemBlock: uz vd multiple classes matched ItemRenderer: mk mn multiple classes matched BlockLeaves: ub uf multiple classes matched World: wz xd multiple classes matched WorldProvider: akv alb multiple classes matched WorldProviderHell: ajz akf multiple classes matched WorldProviderEnd: if ii no classes matched EntityRainFX multiple classes matched EntityLiving: acl acq multiple classes matched EntityRenderer: lo lr multiple classes matched BlockRedstoneWire: ahc ahi multiple classes matched ItemDye: hj hm Launching C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar java -cp C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin/minecraft.jar;C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin/lwjgl.jar;C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin/lwjgl_util.jar;C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin/jinput.jar; -Djava.library.path=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\natives -Xmx1024M -Xms512M net.minecraft.client.Minecraft java.lang.VerifyError: (class: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft, method: x signature: ()V) catch_type not a subclass of Throwable Could not find the main class: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft. Program will exit. Exception in thread "main" Minecraft exited with status 1