import mods.mekanism.Infuser; import mods.mekanism.Enrichment; import mods.ic2.Macerator; import mods.mekanism.Crusher; var mill = ; var alloy = ; var shaft = ; var kinetic_gen = ; var energium = ; var d_dust = ; val redstone = ; val glowstone = ; var fib_cable = ; val glass = ; var electrum = ; var circuit = ; var blade = ; var macerator = ; var mac_block = ; val diamond = ; var osmium = ; var solid_gen = ; var stirling_gen = ; var fluid_gen = ; var heat_gen = ; var pane = ; var silicon = ; var solar_item = ; val steel = ; var solar = ; var adv_solar = ; val iron = ; var enrich = ; var bio_gen = ; var windmill = ; var rotor = ; var tablet = ; var kinetic_wind_gen = ; var gas_gen = ; var steel_case = ; var electro_core = ; var infuser = ; var blast_brick = ; var ulti_cable = ; var elite_cable = ; var atomic = ; var dia_pipe = ; var adv_rail = ; var ele_rail = ; var rebar = ; var ele_treetap_any = ; var ele_treetap = ; var small_unit = ; var iron_plate = ; var extractor = ; var Cell = ; var treetap = ; var ele_loco = .withTag({model:"railcraft:default"}); var lamp = ; var cart = ; var steel_gear = ; var energy_crystal = ; var anvil = ; var metal_former = ; var carbon_blade = ; var feeder = ; var ingotelectrum = ; var Ddrill = .anyDamage(); var ring = ; var steel_plate = ; var diamond_pipe = ; var logi_pipe = ; var sorter = ; var bars = ; var IC2_circuit = ; var red_alloy = ; var copper_cable = ; var iron_furnace = ; var mixed = ; var tin_plate = ; var bronze_plate = ; var stone_gear = ; var cobble = ; var iron_gear = ; var gold_gear = ; var diamond_gear = ; var piston = ; var rolling = ; var compressor = ; var overclocker = ; var coolant = ; var lapis_block = ; var gold_casing = ; var energy_store = ; var redstone_block = ; var drill = ; var chainsaw = ; var power_unit = ; var ele_furnace = ; var pulveriser = .withTag({Level: 0 as byte, Augments: [{id: 4757 as short, Damage: 0 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 0}, {id: 4757 as short, Damage: 32 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 1}, {id: 4757 as short, Damage: 16 as short, Count: 1 as byte, Slot: 2}]}); var copper_gear = ; var basic_frame = ; var reception = ; var crusher = ; var lava = ; var smelter = ; var enrichment = ; var quartz = ; var quartz_dust = ; var certus = ; var certus_dust = ; #var fluix = ; Ore dictionary can't be an output var fluix = ; #var fluix_dust = ; So we have to use the long method var fluix_dust = ; var quartzs = ; #Why Mekanism, do you not support ore dictionary input? var certusz = ; #WHY?! var pure_quartz = ; var pure_certus = ; var pure_fluix = ; var quartz_block = ; var certus_block = ; var fluix_block = ; var battery = ; var battery_charged = ; var generator = ; var heat_cond = ; var diamond_chipset = ; var emerald_chipset = ; var advancedlogi_pipe = ; iron_plate.add(); steel_plate.add(); #Remove Nano-suit recipes recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); #Remove Q-Suit recipes recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); #Change water mill recipe recipes.remove(mill); recipes.addShaped(mill, [[alloy, shaft, alloy], [shaft, kinetic_gen, shaft], [alloy, shaft, alloy]]); #Remove IC2 blast furnace recipes.remove(); #Energium Dust recipe recipes.remove(energium); recipes.addShaped(energium * 9, [[redstone, d_dust, redstone], [d_dust, glowstone, d_dust], [redstone, d_dust, redstone]]); #Glass fibre recipe recipes.remove(fib_cable); recipes.addShaped(fib_cable, [[glass, glass, glass], [energium, electrum, energium], [glass, glass, glass]]); #Remove IC2 solar panel :( recipes.remove(); #Remove nuke recipes.remove(); #Remove all the IC2 reactor blocks :( X6 recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); #Change macerator recipe recipes.remove(macerator); recipes.addShaped(macerator, [[blade], [circuit], [mac_block]]); #Tweak macerator recipes to output more ore for iron, copper and tin #Macerator.addRecipe( * 3, ); Commented out: #Macerator.addRecipe( * 3, ); Doesn't work #Macerator.addRecipe( * 3, ); due to API limitations #Remove Mek bronze recipe mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); #Changed Mek heat generator recipe recipes.remove(heat_gen); recipes.addShaped(heat_gen, [[diamond, solid_gen, diamond], [alloy, stirling_gen, alloy], [osmium, fluid_gen, osmium]]); #Change Mek solar panel item recipe recipes.remove(solar_item); recipes.addShaped(solar_item, [[pane, pane, pane], [redstone, silicon, redstone], [osmium, steel, osmium]]); #Change Mek advanced solar recipe recipes.remove(adv_solar); recipes.addShaped(adv_solar, [[solar, diamond, solar], [solar, diamond, solar], [steel, steel, steel]]); #Change bio generator recipe recipes.remove(bio_gen); recipes.addShaped(bio_gen, [[redstone, enrich, redstone], [heat_gen, circuit, heat_gen], [steel, enrich, steel]]); #Change mek windmill recipe recipes.remove(windmill); recipes.addShaped(windmill, [[null, rotor, null], [osmium, kinetic_wind_gen, osmium], [tablet, kinetic_gen, tablet]]); #Change gas-burning generator recipe recipes.remove(gas_gen); recipes.addShaped(gas_gen, [[osmium, heat_gen, osmium], [steel_case, electro_core, steel_case], [osmium, heat_gen, osmium]]); #Change metal-infuser recipe recipes.remove(infuser); recipes.addShaped(infuser, [[iron, blast_brick, iron], [redstone, steel, redstone], [iron, blast_brick, iron]]); #Change ultimate cable recipe recipes.remove(ulti_cable); recipes.addShaped(ulti_cable, [[atomic, fib_cable, atomic], [dia_pipe, elite_cable, dia_pipe], [atomic, fib_cable, atomic]]); #Change electric track recipe mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe(ele_rail); mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped(ele_rail * 6, [[adv_rail, energium, adv_rail], [adv_rail, alloy, adv_rail], [adv_rail, energium, adv_rail]]); #Change rebar recipe mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 2); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 8); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 8); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 16); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 16); mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 48); mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped(rebar * 32, [[null, null, ], [null, , null], [, null, null]]); #Change electric tree-tap recipe recipes.remove(ele_treetap_any); recipes.addShaped(ele_treetap, [[null, iron_plate, null], [iron_plate, iron_plate, small_unit], [iron_plate, null, null]]); #Change extractor recipe (not completely sure why) recipes.remove(extractor); recipes.addShaped(extractor, [[Cell, mac_block, Cell], [Cell, circuit, Cell]]); #Change electric locomotive recipe recipes.remove(ele_loco); recipes.addShaped(ele_loco, [[lamp, alloy, null], [alloy, energy_crystal, alloy], [steel_gear, cart, steel_gear]]); #Change metal former recipe recipes.remove(metal_former); recipes.addShaped(metal_former, [[anvil], [circuit], [mac_block]]); #Change the carbon kinetic wind generator rotor recipe recipes.remove(rotor); recipes.addShaped(rotor, [[diamond, carbon_blade, diamond], [carbon_blade, shaft, carbon_blade], [diamond, carbon_blade, diamond]]); #Change electric feeder unit recipe recipes.remove(feeder); recipes.addShaped(feeder, [[alloy, ingotelectrum, alloy], [ingotelectrum, energy_crystal, ingotelectrum], [alloy, ingotelectrum, alloy]]); #Remove RC RF converter recipes.remove(); #Change Quarry and Mining Boost ring recipes recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[steel, dia_pipe, steel], [circuit, mac_block, circuit], [null, Ddrill, null]]); recipes.addShaped(, [[diamond, diamond, diamond], [Ddrill, ring, Ddrill], [diamond, diamond, diamond]]); #Change basic machine casing recipe recipes.remove(mac_block); recipes.addShaped(mac_block, [[steel_plate, steel_plate, steel_plate], [steel_plate, null, steel_plate], [steel_plate, steel_plate, steel_plate]]); #Nerf the transporter recipe, but why won't you remove the old recipe :c recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, circuit, null], [steel_plate, diamond_pipe, steel_plate], [null, circuit, null]]); #Change logical sorter recipe recipes.remove(sorter); recipes.addShaped(sorter, [[iron, bars, iron], [iron, circuit, iron], [iron, logi_pipe, iron]]); #Change IC2 circuit recipe recipes.remove(IC2_circuit); recipes.addShaped(IC2_circuit, [[copper_cable, copper_cable, copper_cable], [redstone, red_alloy, redstone], [copper_cable, copper_cable, copper_cable]]); #Change iron furnace recipe recipes.remove(iron_furnace); recipes.addShaped(iron_furnace, [[], [mac_block], []]); #Change mixed metal ingot recipe recipes.remove(mixed); recipes.addShaped(mixed * 2, [[steel_plate, steel_plate, steel_plate], [bronze_plate, bronze_plate, bronze_plate], [tin_plate, tin_plate, tin_plate]]); #Change stone gear recipe recipes.remove(stone_gear); recipes.addShaped(stone_gear, [[null, cobble, null], [cobble, , cobble], [null, cobble, null]]); #add recipe for the Gold gear from BC recipes.addShaped(iron_gear, [[null, , null], [, stone_gear, ], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped(gold_gear, [[null, , null], [, iron_gear, ], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped(diamond_gear, [[null, , null], [, gold_gear, ], [null, , null]]); #Nuke gear ore dictionary... for item in .items { .remove(item); } for item in .items { .remove(item); } #ReAddSteamEngine recipes.addShaped(, [[iron_plate, iron_plate, iron_plate], [null, glass, null], [, piston, ]]); #Change rolling machine recipe recipes.remove(rolling); recipes.addShaped(rolling, [[compressor], [mac_block], [metal_former]]); #Change overclocker upgrade recipe recipes.remove(overclocker); recipes.addShaped(overclocker, [[null, lapis_block, null], [coolant, energium, coolant], [gold_casing, alloy, gold_casing]]); #Change energy storage upgrade recipe recipes.remove(energy_store); recipes.addShaped(energy_store, [[null, redstone_block, null], [coolant, energium, coolant], [gold_casing, alloy, gold_casing]]); #Try to remove obsidian and glowstone ingot breaking down recipes Crusher.removeRecipe(); Crusher.removeRecipe(); #The best you can get, since TE4 doesn't have recipe support, and IC2 doesn't allow recipes to be removed. #Change drill and chainsaw recipes recipes.remove(drill.anyDamage()); recipes.remove(chainsaw.anyDamage()); recipes.addShaped(drill, [[null, steel_plate, null], [steel_plate, steel_plate, steel_plate], [steel_plate, power_unit, steel_plate]]); recipes.addShaped(chainsaw, [[null, steel_plate, steel_plate], [steel_plate, steel_plate, steel_plate], [power_unit, steel_plate, null]]); #Change electric furnace recipe recipes.remove(ele_furnace); recipes.addShaped(ele_furnace, [[null, circuit, null], [lamp, iron_furnace, lamp]]); #Trash + Fix Mek Circuits circuit.remove(); mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); .remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ]]); #Change pulveriser recipe recipes.removeShaped(pulveriser, [[null, piston, null], [, basic_frame, ], [copper_gear, reception, copper_gear]]); recipes.addShaped(pulveriser, [[null, piston, null], [diamond, basic_frame, diamond], [copper_gear, reception, copper_gear]]); #Change crusher recipe recipes.remove(crusher); recipes.addShaped(crusher, [[redstone, circuit, redstone], [lava, macerator, lava], [redstone, circuit, redstone]]); #Change enrichment chamber recipe recipes.remove(enrichment); recipes.addShaped(enrichment, [[redstone, circuit, redstone], [compressor, macerator, compressor], [redstone, circuit, redstone]]); #Change energised smelter recipe recipes.remove(smelter); recipes.addShaped(smelter, [[redstone, circuit, redstone], [, ele_furnace, ], [redstone, circuit, redstone]]); #Add cheaty recipe to remove AE2 in world crafting recipes.addShapeless(fluix * 2, [quartz, certus, redstone]); recipes.addShapeless(fluix_dust * 2, [quartz_dust, certus_dust, redstone]); #Enrich AE2 crystals mods.mekanism.Enrichment.addRecipe(quartz, pure_quartz); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.addRecipe(certus, pure_certus); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.addRecipe(fluix, pure_fluix); #Fix nether and certus block recipe recipes.removeShaped(quartz_block, [[pure_quartz, pure_quartz, pure_quartz], [pure_quartz, null, pure_quartz], [pure_quartz, pure_quartz, pure_quartz]]); recipes.addShaped(quartz_block, [[pure_quartz, pure_quartz], [pure_quartz, pure_quartz]]); recipes.removeShaped(certus_block, [[pure_certus, pure_certus, pure_certus], [pure_certus, null, pure_certus], [pure_certus, pure_certus, pure_certus]]); recipes.addShaped(certus_block, [[certus, certus], [certus, certus]]); recipes.addShaped(certus_block, [[pure_certus, pure_certus], [pure_certus, pure_certus]]); recipes.remove(fluix_block); recipes.addShaped(fluix_block, [[fluix, fluix], [fluix, fluix]]); recipes.addShaped(fluix_block, [[pure_fluix, pure_fluix], [pure_fluix, pure_fluix]]); #Add anvil blast furnace recipe mods.railcraft.BlastFurnace.addRecipe(, true, false, 42240, ); mods.railcraft.BlastFurnace.addRecipe(, true, false, 42240, ); mods.railcraft.BlastFurnace.addRecipe(, true, false, 42240, ); #Turn the crusher into a macerator Crusher.addRecipe(, * 3); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, redstone * 8); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 2); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 4); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 4); Crusher.addRecipe(, * 4); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.addRecipe(, * 5); mods.mekanism.Enrichment.addRecipe(, * 5); #Remove generator furnace - machine block recipe recipes.remove(generator); recipes.addShaped(generator, [[null, battery, null], [iron_plate, iron_plate, iron_plate], [null, iron_furnace, null]]); recipes.addShaped(generator, [[null, battery_charged, null], [iron_plate, iron_plate, iron_plate], [null, iron_furnace, null]]); #Do the same thing with the solid heat generator recipes.removeShaped(, [[heat_cond], [mac_block], []]); #FFS IC2, why you delete both recipes? recipes.addShaped(, [[null, heat_cond, null], [iron_plate, iron_plate, iron_plate], [null, iron_furnace, null]]); #Nerf Project.Red pipes recipes.remove(advancedlogi_pipe); recipes.addShaped(advancedlogi_pipe * 16, [[diamond_chipset, sorter, diamond_chipset], [logi_pipe, , logi_pipe], [diamond_chipset, sorter, diamond_chipset]]); #Change router utility recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, null, diamond_chipset], [steel_plate, emerald_chipset, steel_plate], [alloy, alloy, alloy]]); #Removal of some infusion recipes mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); #Change of the enriched alloy recipe mods.mekanism.Infuser.removeRecipe(); mods.mekanism.Infuser.addRecipe("REDSTONE", 10, , ); #Make the basic universal cable have a superconductor recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped( * 8, [[null, electrum, null], [alloy, energium, alloy], [null, electrum, null]]);