// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- Importing Stuff --- import mods.gregtech.BlastFurnace; import mods.gregtech.ImplosionCompressor; import mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter; import mods.ic2.Compressor; // --- Variables --- val EnderPump = ; val EnderObsidian = ; val EnderCore = ; val MagicalWood = ; val DiamondMatrix = ; val BurntQuartz = ; val TSteelRod = ; val UpgradeBase = ; val SeptupleCobble = ; val QuadDirt = ; val Plank = ; val StainlessPipe = ; val Paintbrush = ; //val WovenCloth = ; val WovenCloth = ; val SilkyJewel = ; val RSClock = ; val Clock = ; val Drum = ; val BedDrum = ; val Cauldron = ; val BedrockiumIngot = ; val BedrockiumBlock = ; val DarkAshes = ; val AngelBlock = ; val Conveyor = ; val MVConveyor = ; val MVMotor = ; val MVPiston = ; val IronBars = ; val Cabinet = ; val AdvCabinet = ; val WateringCan = ; val AdvMiner = ; val Miner = ; val SSteelGear = ; val CarminiteReactor = ; val EssenceBush = ; val Muffler = ; val RainMuffler = ; val AnyWool = ; val Noteblock = ; val BUD = ; val AngelRing = ; val AngelRing1 = ; val AngelRing2 = ; val AngelRing3 = ; val AngelRing4 = ; val UnstableIngot = ; val SpeedUp = ; val ItemFilterUp = ; val WorldInterUp = ; val StackUp = ; val TransmitterUp = ; val ReceiverUp = ; val DepthFirstUp = ; val BreadthFirstUp = ; val RoundRobinUp = ; val RedAlloyRod = ; val BronzeGear = ; val IronPlate = ; val SteelRing = ; val IronRod = ; val SteelPlate = ; val AlPlate = ; val DiamondGear = ; val HeavyPPlate = ; val SSteelPlate = ; val SteelFoil = ; val SteelScrew = ; val RedAlloyPlate = ; val RedAlloyFoil = ; val ElectrumPlate = ; val ElectrumFoil = ; val EnderPearlPlate = ; val EnderEyePlate = ; val NStarPlate = ; val SteelGear = ; val TitaniumGear = ; val TitaniumPlate = ; val ChromePlate = ; val NANDChip = ; val BasicCircuit = ; val AdvCircuit = ; val LVChestBuffer = ; val LVPump = ; val LVEnergyBuffer = ; val HVEnergyBuffer = ; val CopperCable12x = ; val ElectrumCable12x = ; val BrassItemPipe = ; val OBTank = ; val GoldFoil = ; val DiamondPick = ; val IronPick = ; val DenseLapisPlate = ; val DenseObsidianPlate = ; val HeliumCell = ; //val IronChest = ; val IronChest = ; // MV chest buffer val WoodGear = ; val Stone = ; val RedAlloyGear = ; val EVFieldGenerator = ; val TransferPipe = ; val SortingPipe = ; val FilterPipe = ; val RationingPipe = ; val EnergyPipe = ; val CrossoverPipe = ; val ModSortingPipe = ; val EExtractionPipe = ; val ItemRetrievalN = ; val FluidRetrievalN = ; val ItemTransferN = ; val FluidTransferN = ; val EnergyTransferN = ; val HyperETransferN = ; val MagnumTorch = ; val Chandelier = ; val Nitor = ; val SSteelRod = ; val ThaumiumPlate = ; val SilverwoodLog = ; val GreatwoodLog = ; val HHammer = ; val Wrench = ; val Screwdriver = ; // --- Removing Recipes --- // --- Ender Quarry recipes.remove(); // --- Ender-Thermic Pump recipes.remove(EnderPump); // --- Burnt Quartz furnace.remove(BurntQuartz); // --- Ender-Infused Obsidian recipes.remove(EnderObsidian); // --- Magical Wood recipes.remove(MagicalWood); // --- Ender Core recipes.remove(EnderCore); // --- Diamond-Etched Computational Matrix recipes.remove(DiamondMatrix); // --- Blackout Curtains recipes.remove(); // --- Redstone Clock recipes.remove(); // --- Glowstone Glass recipes.remove(); // --- Obsidain Glass recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Upgrade Base recipes.remove(UpgradeBase); // --- Quarry World Hole Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Silk Touch Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Fortune I Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Fortune II Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Fortune III Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Speed I Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Speed II Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Speed III Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Quarry Pump Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Speed Upgrade recipes.remove(SpeedUp); // --- Item Filter Upgrade recipes.remove(ItemFilterUp); // --- World Interaction Upgrade recipes.remove(WorldInterUp); // --- Stack Upgrade recipes.remove(StackUp); // --- Transmitter Upgrade recipes.remove(TransmitterUp); // --- Receiver Upgrade recipes.remove(ReceiverUp); // --- Depth-First Upgrade recipes.remove(DepthFirstUp); // --- Breadth-First Upgrade recipes.remove(BreadthFirstUp); // --- Pseudo Round-Robin Upgrade recipes.remove(RoundRobinUp); // --- Paintbrush recipes.remove(Paintbrush); // --- Drum recipes.remove(Drum); // --- Bedrock Drum recipes.remove(BedDrum); // --- Bedrockium Ingot //recipes.remove(BedrockiumIngot); // --- Block Of Bedrockium recipes.remove(BedrockiumBlock); furnace.remove(BedrockiumBlock); // --- Angel Block recipes.remove(AngelBlock); // --- Conveyor Belt recipes.remove(Conveyor); // --- Filing Cabinet recipes.remove(Cabinet); // --- Advanced Filling Cabinet recipes.remove(AdvCabinet); // --- Watering Can recipes.remove(WateringCan); // --- Magnum Torch recipes.remove(MagnumTorch); // --- Golden Bag of Holding recipes.remove(); // --- Muffler recipes.remove(Muffler); // --- Rain Muffler recipes.remove(RainMuffler); // --- Chandelier recipes.remove(Chandelier); // --- Trash Can recipes.remove(); // --- Angel Ring recipes.remove(AngelRing); recipes.remove(AngelRing1); recipes.remove(AngelRing2); recipes.remove(AngelRing3); recipes.remove(AngelRing4); // --- Pipes --- // --- Transfer Pipe recipes.remove(TransferPipe); // --- Sorting Pipe recipes.remove(SortingPipe); // --- Filter Pipe recipes.remove(FilterPipe); // --- Rationing Pipe recipes.remove(RationingPipe); // --- Energy Pipe recipes.remove(EnergyPipe); // --- Crossover Pipe recipes.remove(CrossoverPipe); // --- Mod Sorting Pipe recipes.remove(ModSortingPipe); // --- Energy Extraction Pipe recipes.remove(EExtractionPipe); // --- Item Retrieval Node recipes.remove(ItemRetrievalN); // --- Fluid Retrieval Node recipes.remove(FluidRetrievalN); // --- Item Tranfer Node recipes.remove(ItemTransferN); // --- Fluid Transfer Node recipes.remove(FluidTransferN); // --- Energy Transfer Node recipes.remove(EnergyTransferN); // --- Hyper Energy Transfer Node recipes.remove(HyperETransferN); // --- Compressed Blocks --- // --- Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Double Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Triple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Septuple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(SeptupleCobble); // --- Octuple Compressed Cobblestone recipes.remove(); // --- Compressed Dirt recipes.remove(); // --- Double Compressed Dirt recipes.remove(); // --- Triple Compressed Dirt recipes.remove(); // --- Quadruple Compressed Dirt recipes.remove(QuadDirt); // --- Compressed Gravel recipes.remove(); // --- Double Compressed Gravel recipes.remove(); // --- Compressed Sand //recipes.remove(); // --- Double Compressed Sand recipes.remove(); // --- Add Recipes --- // --- Ender Quarry recipes.addShaped(, [ [EnderCore, TitaniumGear, EnderCore], [EnderPump, DiamondMatrix, EnderPump], [EnderCore, AdvMiner, EnderCore]]); // --- Ender-Thermic Pump recipes.addShaped(EnderPump, [ [EnderObsidian, AdvCircuit, EnderObsidian], [, EnderCore, ], [EnderObsidian, Miner, EnderObsidian]]); // --- Burnt Quartz AlloySmelter.addRecipe(BurntQuartz, , , 80, 64); // --- Obsidain Glass AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 4, 200, 8); AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 4, 400, 16); AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 4, 400, 16); AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 4, 600, 16); // --- Ender-Infused Obsidian recipes.addShaped(EnderObsidian, [ [BurntQuartz, , BurntQuartz], [, , ], [BurntQuartz, , BurntQuartz]]); // --- Ender Core recipes.addShaped(EnderCore, [ [EnderObsidian, MagicalWood, EnderObsidian], [MagicalWood, , MagicalWood], [EnderObsidian, MagicalWood, EnderObsidian]]); // --- Diamond-Etched Computational Matrix recipes.addShaped(DiamondMatrix, [ [EnderCore, , EnderCore], [, , ], [EnderCore, , EnderCore]]); // --- Magical Wood recipes.addShaped(MagicalWood * 4, [ [ThaumiumPlate, SilverwoodLog, ThaumiumPlate], [SilverwoodLog, CarminiteReactor, SilverwoodLog], [ThaumiumPlate, SilverwoodLog, ThaumiumPlate]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(MagicalWood * 4, [ [ThaumiumPlate, GreatwoodLog, ThaumiumPlate], [GreatwoodLog, CarminiteReactor, GreatwoodLog], [ThaumiumPlate, GreatwoodLog, ThaumiumPlate]]); // --- Blackout Curtains recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [, , null], [, , null], [, , null]]); // --- Redstone Clock recipes.addShaped(RSClock, [ [RedAlloyPlate, WoodGear, RedAlloyPlate], [WoodGear, Clock, WoodGear], [RedAlloyPlate, RedAlloyRod, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Glowstone Glass recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, Plank, ], [, , ]]); // --- Quarry Upgrade Base recipes.addShaped(UpgradeBase, [ [EnderObsidian, , EnderObsidian], [, , ], [EnderObsidian, , EnderObsidian]]); // --- Quarry World Hole Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, QuadDirt, UpgradeBase], [QuadDirt, SeptupleCobble, QuadDirt], [UpgradeBase, QuadDirt, UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Silk Touch Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, SilkyJewel, UpgradeBase], [SilkyJewel, DiamondGear, SilkyJewel], [UpgradeBase, SilkyJewel, UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Fortune I Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, DiamondGear, ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Fortune II Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, , ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Fortune III Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, , ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Speed I Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, , ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Speed II Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, , ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Speed III Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase], [, , ], [UpgradeBase, , UpgradeBase]]); // --- Quarry Pump Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [UpgradeBase, EnderPump, UpgradeBase], [EnderPump, StainlessPipe, EnderPump], [UpgradeBase, EnderPump, UpgradeBase]]); // --- Speed Upgrade recipes.addShaped(SpeedUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, SSteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate], [SSteelPlate, DiamondGear, SSteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, SSteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Item Filter Upgrade recipes.addShaped(ItemFilterUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, IronBars, RedAlloyPlate], [IronBars, DiamondGear, IronBars], [RedAlloyPlate, IronBars, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- World Interaction Upgrade recipes.addShaped(WorldInterUp, [ [DenseLapisPlate, IronPick, DenseLapisPlate], [IronPick, DiamondPick, IronPick], [DenseLapisPlate, IronPick, DenseLapisPlate]]); // --- Transmitter Upgrade recipes.addShaped(TransmitterUp, [ [EnderEyePlate, WorldInterUp, EnderEyePlate], [, NStarPlate, ], [EnderEyePlate, WorldInterUp, EnderEyePlate]]); // --- Receiver Upgrade recipes.addShaped(ReceiverUp, [ [EnderEyePlate, WorldInterUp, EnderEyePlate], [, NStarPlate, ], [EnderEyePlate, WorldInterUp, EnderEyePlate]]); // --- Depth-First Upgrade recipes.addShaped(DepthFirstUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate], [Wrench, SpeedUp, SpeedUp], [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Breadth-First Upgrade recipes.addShaped(BreadthFirstUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, Wrench, RedAlloyPlate], [SpeedUp, SpeedUp, SpeedUp], [RedAlloyPlate, null, RedAlloyPlate]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(BreadthFirstUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, null, RedAlloyPlate], [SpeedUp, SpeedUp, SpeedUp], [RedAlloyPlate, Wrench, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Pseudo Round-Robin Upgrade recipes.addShaped(RoundRobinUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate], [null, Wrench, SpeedUp], [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Stack Upgrade recipes.addShaped(StackUp, [ [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate], [SpeedUp, MVPiston, SpeedUp], [RedAlloyPlate, SpeedUp, RedAlloyPlate]]); // --- Paintbrush recipes.addShaped(Paintbrush, [ [null, WovenCloth, WovenCloth], [null, , WovenCloth], [, null, null]]); // --- Drum recipes.addShaped(Drum, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate]]); // --- Bedrock Drum recipes.addShaped(BedDrum, [ [BedrockiumIngot, BedrockiumIngot, BedrockiumIngot], [BedrockiumIngot, Cauldron, BedrockiumIngot], [BedrockiumIngot, BedrockiumIngot, BedrockiumIngot]]); // --- Bedrockium Block ImplosionCompressor.addRecipe(BedrockiumBlock, BedrockiumIngot * 9, 8); // --- Angel Block recipes.addShaped(AngelBlock, [ [DenseObsidianPlate, GoldFoil, DenseObsidianPlate], [GoldFoil, HeliumCell, GoldFoil], [DenseObsidianPlate, GoldFoil, DenseObsidianPlate]]); // --- Conveyor Belt recipes.addShaped(Conveyor, [ [SSteelPlate, MVConveyor, SSteelPlate], [MVConveyor, SteelGear, MVConveyor], [SSteelPlate, MVMotor, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Filing Cabinet recipes.addShaped(Cabinet, [ [SteelPlate, IronChest, SteelPlate], [IronChest, SteelScrew, IronChest], [SteelPlate, IronChest, SteelPlate]]); // --- Advanced Filing Cabinet recipes.addShaped(AdvCabinet, [ [MagicalWood, Cabinet, MagicalWood], [Cabinet, SteelScrew, Cabinet], [MagicalWood, Cabinet, MagicalWood]]); // --- Watering Can recipes.addShaped(WateringCan, [ [HHammer, SteelRing, Screwdriver], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronRod], [IronPlate, IronPlate, SteelScrew]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(WateringCan, [ [Screwdriver, SteelRing, HHammer], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronRod], [IronPlate, IronPlate, SteelScrew]]); // --- Chandelier recipes.addShaped(Chandelier, [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, , null]]); // --- Magnum Torch recipes.addShaped(MagnumTorch, [ [null, Nitor, null], [Chandelier, SSteelRod, Chandelier], [Chandelier, SSteelRod, Chandelier]]); // --- Golden Bag of Holding recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Muffler recipes.addShaped(Muffler, [ [AnyWool, AnyWool, AnyWool], [AnyWool, Noteblock, AnyWool], [AnyWool, BUD, AnyWool]]); // --- Rain Muffler recipes.addShaped(RainMuffler, [ [AnyWool, Noteblock, AnyWool], [Noteblock, Muffler, Noteblock], [AnyWool, Noteblock, AnyWool]]); // --- Pipes --- // --- Transfer Pipe recipes.addShaped(TransferPipe, [ [SteelFoil, SteelPlate, SteelFoil], [Wrench, RedAlloyRod, HHammer], [SteelFoil, SteelPlate, SteelFoil]]); // --- Sorting Pipe recipes.addShaped(SortingPipe, [ [SteelFoil, NANDChip, SteelFoil], [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [SteelFoil, NANDChip, SteelFoil]]); // --- Filter Pipe recipes.addShaped(FilterPipe, [ [SteelFoil, BasicCircuit, SteelFoil], [Wrench, SortingPipe, HHammer], [SteelFoil, BasicCircuit, SteelFoil]]); // --- Rationing Pipe recipes.addShaped(RationingPipe, [ [SteelFoil, NANDChip, SteelFoil], [Wrench, SortingPipe, HHammer], [SteelFoil, NANDChip, SteelFoil]]); // --- Energy Pipe recipes.addShaped(EnergyPipe, [ [RedAlloyFoil, RedAlloyPlate, RedAlloyFoil], [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [RedAlloyFoil, RedAlloyPlate, RedAlloyFoil]]); // --- Crossover Pipe recipes.addShaped(CrossoverPipe * 4, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, SteelScrew], [TransferPipe, TransferPipe, TransferPipe], [SteelScrew, TransferPipe, Screwdriver]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(CrossoverPipe * 4, [ [Screwdriver, TransferPipe, SteelScrew], [TransferPipe, TransferPipe, TransferPipe], [SteelScrew, TransferPipe, HHammer]]); // --- Mod Sorting Pipe recipes.addShaped(ModSortingPipe, [ [SteelFoil, BasicCircuit, SteelFoil], [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [SteelFoil, BasicCircuit, SteelFoil]]); // --- Energy Extraction Pipe recipes.addShaped(EExtractionPipe, [ [ElectrumPlate, HHammer, ElectrumPlate], [ElectrumPlate, EnergyPipe, ElectrumPlate], [Wrench, EnergyPipe, null]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(EExtractionPipe, [ [ElectrumPlate, HHammer, ElectrumPlate], [ElectrumFoil, EnergyPipe, ElectrumFoil], [null, EnergyPipe, Wrench]]); // --- Item Retrieval Node recipes.addShaped(ItemRetrievalN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderPearlPlate, LVChestBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [ItemTransferN, ItemTransferN, ItemTransferN]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(ItemRetrievalN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderPearlPlate, LVChestBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [ItemTransferN, ItemTransferN, ItemTransferN]]); // --- Fluid Retrieval Node recipes.addShaped(FluidRetrievalN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderPearlPlate, OBTank, EnderPearlPlate], [FluidTransferN, FluidTransferN, FluidTransferN]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(FluidRetrievalN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderPearlPlate, OBTank, EnderPearlPlate], [FluidTransferN, FluidTransferN, FluidTransferN]]); // --- Item Tranfer Node recipes.addShaped(ItemTransferN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderPearlPlate, LVChestBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [SteelGear, BrassItemPipe, SteelGear]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(ItemTransferN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderPearlPlate, LVChestBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [SteelGear, BrassItemPipe, SteelGear]]); // --- Fluid Transfer Node recipes.addShaped(FluidTransferN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderPearlPlate, OBTank, EnderPearlPlate], [SSteelPlate, LVPump, SSteelPlate]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(FluidTransferN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderPearlPlate, OBTank, EnderPearlPlate], [SSteelPlate, LVPump, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Energy Transfer Node recipes.addShaped(EnergyTransferN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderPearlPlate, LVEnergyBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [SSteelPlate, CopperCable12x, SSteelPlate]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(EnergyTransferN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderPearlPlate, LVEnergyBuffer, EnderPearlPlate], [SSteelPlate, CopperCable12x, SSteelPlate]]); // --- Hyper Energy Transfer Node recipes.addShaped(HyperETransferN, [ [HHammer, TransferPipe, Wrench], [EnderEyePlate, HVEnergyBuffer, EnderEyePlate], [ChromePlate, ElectrumCable12x, ChromePlate]]); // - Alternate Recipe recipes.addShaped(HyperETransferN, [ [Wrench, TransferPipe, HHammer], [EnderEyePlate, HVEnergyBuffer, EnderEyePlate], [ChromePlate, ElectrumCable12x, ChromePlate]]); // --- Trash Can recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Precision Shears oreDict.craftingToolShears.add(); // --- Angel Rings --- recipes.addShaped(AngelRing, [ [, , ], [, EVFieldGenerator, ], [UnstableIngot, , UnstableIngot]]); recipes.addShaped(AngelRing1, [ [, , ], [, EVFieldGenerator, ], [UnstableIngot, , UnstableIngot]]); recipes.addShaped(AngelRing2, [ [, , ], [, EVFieldGenerator, ], [UnstableIngot, , UnstableIngot]]); recipes.addShaped(AngelRing3, [ [, , ], [, EVFieldGenerator, ], [UnstableIngot, , UnstableIngot]]); recipes.addShaped(AngelRing4, [ [, , ], [, EVFieldGenerator, ], [UnstableIngot, , UnstableIngot]]); // --- Compressed Blocks --- // --- Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Double Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Triple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Septuple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(SeptupleCobble, * 9); // --- Octuple Compressed Cobblestone Compressor.addRecipe(, SeptupleCobble * 9); // --- Compressed Dirt Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Double Compressed Dirt Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Triple Compressed Dirt Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Quadruple Compressed Dirt Compressor.addRecipe(QuadDirt, * 9); // --- Compressed Gravel Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Double Compressed Gravel Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Compressed Sand //Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Double Compressed Sand Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9);