Powering a Nation: An Insane MOX CRCS Reactor

  • Yeah, the turning-things-to-lava seems to be a thing of ages past... I've honestly never seen it happen, come to think of it. Maybe it disappeared even with the reactor rework in 1.3, who knows?

    It's just that, up until now we didn't have that much reason to build high heat reactors. The occasional breeder liked to run hot, sure, but even the smallest ones were fast enough to support all but the most exotic of reactor setups, so there was never really a reason to push the boundaries that everyone thought existed.

  • Edited the OP to denote that my config files apparently generated incorrectly, buffing nuclear fuel output by 4x before the MOX Modifier. Sorry, my outputs aren't as impressive as I thought...the 30k original design would only output 7,500 eu/t with default configs. I apologize to anyone I may have gotten hopes up for, I didn't realize this buff I was seeing wasn't intentional, as I used the configs as they generated, and didn't modify their values. It was not my intent to mislead anyone by posting these insane EU Outputs.

  • I doubt that's the case...in one attempt to squash the bug, I set up my code to turn off the reactor (rs.setOutput("back", false)). I then told it to wait 2/10ths of a second. Any processing going on in the reactor for that tick -should- be done at that point, unless the calculations are spread evenly across the 20 ticks in a second to reduce spikes every 20th tick. Then I'd swap the a coolant cell out, and wait another 2/10ths of a second before turning the reactor back on. Even doing this, I had the reactor randomly gain heat from the glitch.

    The -only- other option I have is to pause the program for a whole second after turning off the reactor before replacing the coolant cell and see if that works...but that'll reduce the -effective- eu/t, so I didn't want to do that...but I may give it a try just to see if it works.

    I think I found my problem...my program uses OpenPeripherals to detect the status of the reactor's heat value, as well as the status of the components in the reactor. The problem is that each of these operations takes an in-game tick, which I didn't anticipate. I finally discovered this issue as I create bigger and bigger reactors with more and more components that required checking...it got to the point where there was close to a 3 second delay between the start of detecting the status of components, and the end of it, creating very unstable reactors when pushing the edge of heat tolerances...as well as resulting in fried components due to the delay. I know how to fix this, but it'll require almost a complete re-write of my control program...and finding out that my numbers aren't as impressive as I thought they were due to the problems with my config file, my drive to do so as quickly as it might have otherwise been has vanished. :( I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.