IC2 can't find its textures on startup

  • When launching MC with IC2 (builds 468+), it outputs a ton of errors like

    What to do? Which IC2 version works? Or should I go to the bugtracker and raise the question there?

    • Official Post

    Saying that because i dont have any problems with it...

    Edit: Wait, now i can see. The problem is that those textures are for WIP stuff, thus they dont even exist in the first place.

    Edit2: Nevermind, there is something wrong with your setup. The only "file not found" error i have is for the plasma launcher, which indeed is WIP.

  • 1) Could you post here an error with the plasma launcher? The


    structure is very strange.
    2) Which IC2 version are you using? (I've downloaded 473 with no success). Just in case...

  • The start of the crash report:

    java.lang.StackOverflowError: Registering texture
    	at java.util.ArrayList.ensureExplicitCapacity(Unknown Source)
    	at java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacityInternal(Unknown Source)
    	at java.util.ArrayList.add(Unknown Source)
    	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher$Slot.func_94182_a(Stitcher.java:390)

    and the last line is going on and on recursively
    Edit: I've attached a screenshot of assets/ic2/textures/blocks, is yours the same?