Hello, im doing calculations for the gregtech fusion reactor, in terms of amount of machines i need to make the deuterium and tritium reaction for.
needing 1 tritium and 1 deuterium every 6 seconds-
For the Tritium:
40 Electrolyzers- empty cells+water = Water Cells
3.33.. (or 4) Electrolyzers- water cells = Hydrogen cells
100 Industrial Centrifuges- hydrogen = deuterium
25 industrial centrifuges- deuterium = tritium
and for the deuterium:
10 Electrolyzers- empty cells+water = Water Cells
0.833... (or 1) Electrolyzers- water cells = Hydrogen cells
25 Industrial Centrifuges- hydrogen = deuterium
what do you guys/girls think? i havent found anywhere else on the internet with numbers on the automation process (for the latest gregtech).
(note- for some reason the helium plasma production profit is a bit low than expected. whats your production like?)