Planned server : craftnarchy (hosted in france OVH)

  • Hi,
    I planned to (re)open a modded MC server [1.7.10 forge 1291+/ cauldron]. <edit> in september</edit>
    Hosted in France by OVH (8go I5 x4 100mbs).
    it cost only 18€/month at my full charge.
    (totally free/gratuit for player, no spam, no "pay to win" etc)

    I have already own a modded server but unfortunately french player dont like mods.
    (only 5 very irregulars players... who's leave for LoL ;( )

    so, I planned to use not a lot of mod but the "must have".
    IC2exp (sure !), gregtech (5.8.x |blood asp), AE2, BC, RC, GC, forestry, OC etc...
    (I hate "magic" one)

    BUT : only survival !

    if that's work well, I planned to get fr'gov subvention for "french learning interest" and "paid" player.
    (some symbolic € 8) or french typic gift)...
    well, I'll not boring player with this...

    Pm me..

    (ps : Sry, if I have break forum rules coz server is only "planned")