Question: Watertowers?

  • could anyone create a tutorial for high-effective or somewhat-effective watertowers? i want to make a big powerplant that can span over 4 chunks and it would be interesting if you could give me an idea on how the watergens work. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  • hydrogenerators produce power based off of the blocks immediately adjacent, the ideal set up is to have each generator in its own area.

    F = fluid
    G = generator
    X = wire

    F F F F F F F
    F F F G F F F
    F F F X F F F
    F G X X X G F
    F F F X F F F
    F F F G F F F
    F F F F F F F

  • how far below would the next line of generators be?