Question: Battery pack not ingame?

  • I've been using the 1.7.3 version of the game with IC, which I installed using the modpack provided by a user (compilation of the Yogscast mods), so I don't know which version of IC I have.
    My problem is, I just made 6 RE batteries, charged them but then when I try to craft them into a battery pack (using the six RE's and 3 tin) it doesn't do anything.

    I used TooManyItems to check and couldn't find the battery pack in the list, so I'm wondering if something went wrong or if I happen to have IC and the battery packs are only available in IC2 but not in IC.
    Could someone help me out?

  • The version that comes with the technic pack is IC2 not IC1 and there are several items that are not in IC2 including luminators battery pack and Field generator, I also was unable to get the mobile charging station to craft either.

  • The version that comes with the technic pack is IC2 not IC1 and there are several items that are not in IC2 including luminators battery pack and Field generator, I also was unable to get the mobile charging station to craft either.

    Oh, I see. Well, that explains it then. XD
    Thanks for the help. :)