All started here:…Energistics-2/issues/3361 (this is another one thing that I want to fix)
So I downloaded their repository and altered code to work properly with fuzzy upgrade. (Problem is - lzh_condensator does not overrides isDamageable and setItemDamage events, so I had to manipulate them in AE2 code, fuzzy upgrade now working properly for me)
And after that I found out next problem: when you attach Export/Import bus to reactor itself - everything totaly fine.
But when you attach them to reactor _chamber_, they are not working at all.
After some debugging I found out, that for reactor chambers there is no ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, they use next code:
(te is net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity (that is chamber), d is side, like west,south, etc)
so for reactor chamber second part of this check is false, for reactor itself - true
As I understand, It cant be fixed from within AE2 code, so please add this property to reactor chamber (and maybe fix isDamageable/setItemDamage for CustomDamage that you use)
Thank you in advance (probably not, I expect you to even ban me for insolence)