[bug?]advanced nanosuit cant craft

  • firs sorry for my english...

    advencen nanosuit cant be crafted, are a bug or advanced are removed from ic2? (normal nanosuit can be crafted)

    and, quantum helmet disappears if i take damage

    tested in a server

  • Advanced Nano Suit was removed, the Quantum Suit replaces it.

    Quantum Helmet shouldn't disappear when taking Damage, even on Mutliplayer (i got an own SMP Server with IC², played much there already, my Quantum Helmet didn't disapeared, so the problem is maybe some wrong installation.)

  • can you give me some advice?

    i am playing in the server some days and all work good, but whit the first damage that i take, helmet disappear :(

    helmen didnt was charged... had 0 energy, hadnt mfsu

    EDIT: i will try charger the helmet before use it, but if whit 0 energy this disappear, may be a bug

    EDIT2: whit energy, didn disappear ^^, maybe only disappear whitout energy... some can verify and confirm?
    anyway can close this. thanks