Problem: The link for Player's Crash HotFix give's me a file that I can't open. Help?

  • In the "Download" page I have followed the instructions to the letter, and got down to "Player's Crash HotFix" mod. I downloaded it and clicked "Save." I then tried to open it with both WinRAR and 7-Zip. Neither worked, so I re-downloaded it and tried "Open." That didn't work either. Windows tells me that "Safari can't open the file. Safari can't open the file 'vy-1.class' because no available application can open it." I have no idea what the problem is, can someone help me please?

  • 1. Find .minecraft/bin
    2. Right-Click minecraft.jar, select "Open With..." and select WinRAR/7zip (I'm not sure how this step works with Macs.)
    3. Drag and drop the .class file into the mess of other .class files
    4. Start Minecraft
    5. Don't crash.