First time reactor. Rate it please

  • Hey all this is dragonherald and I constructed a reactor meant to run all the cells down with little to no maintenance tell me how i did.…PHCUCHPHCUUCHPHPPHPHCHHCH

    EDIT: I'm not adept at using the simulator program. I would like some feedback on how to properly use that tool


    That's a rather cool idea, but a lone tree is suspicious, better plant some more. So really... forget about solar-flowers, solar-trees are the next generation :P

  • It's a Mark IV barely. You had the cooling cell that was pretty much surrounded by the sets of 3 U Cells get destroyed, but that was it. Besides that, it was a Mark II-1C.

    Personally I don't like reactors unless they get near a Mark II-10X, so I can't rate it too high on my personal ideology. You could have possibly replaced a lot of the reactor plates with Cooling Cells instead though to help with the cooling measures. But that's just nitpicking. For a first reactor design, it's not terrible.

  • thanks for the feedback. Are the reactor plates not worth it because it really doesn't cool that well or because it cant distribute heat well?


    That's a rather cool idea, but a lone tree is suspicious, better plant some more. So really... forget about solar-flowers, solar-trees are the next generation :P

  • Because HDs in most cases can do a plates job, only better. The goal is to maximize coolants, and minimize everything else :)

  • It's a Mark IV barely. You had the cooling cell that was pretty much surrounded by the sets of 3 U Cells get destroyed, but that was it. Besides that, it was a Mark II-1C.

    Personally I don't like reactors unless they get near a Mark II-10X, so I can't rate it too high on my personal ideology. You could have possibly replaced a lot of the reactor plates with Cooling Cells instead though to help with the cooling measures. But that's just nitpicking. For a first reactor design, it's not terrible.

    So close yet so far. so very very far.


    That's a rather cool idea, but a lone tree is suspicious, better plant some more. So really... forget about solar-flowers, solar-trees are the next generation :P

  • Generally you shouldn't use any reactor platings in a non-breeder reactor, cos the goal is to maximize the cooling.


    It will need like an hour CD between runs though

    what about the cost-efficiency ratio? Whats your oppinion on that?


    That's a rather cool idea, but a lone tree is suspicious, better plant some more. So really... forget about solar-flowers, solar-trees are the next generation :P