
  • I just started a new world in SMP, played it, I played for 2 minecraft days, found 5 diamonds (and a stack of iron, ~20 tin, ~30 copper) and then, I decided to get rid of that lavafall in the way of my spelunking.
    Guess what? Lag decided to derp out and I fell in, incinerating all my stuff. -.-
    I ragequit. :cursing:

    • Official Post

    I had a somewhat similar rage story last night.

    Found a nice Ravine at diamond level and got 5 of the 8 diamond I needed to the Buildcraft gears for a quarry (Since I could use ID for the pickaxe). Meanwhile, I'm spelunking down one of the side shafts, and hear spiders.... lots and lots of spiders... So I decided to not go that way and continue down the other direction through and Abandoned Mineshaft. Spent about 2 and a half hours looking for diamond (Just scavenging cave walls, not strip mining). No dice. Finally, when I was about to give up, I struck diamond. the remaining three I needed to complete my quarry. On my way out, I come across the area where I heard the spiders... Needless to say I was swarmed by cave spiders (Thankfully I had a stack of canned food ^^) and disabled the spawner after about 5 minutes (The chainsaw seriously needs to cut through cobwebs faster -.- ).

    After successfully disabling the spawner, I noticed there was a chest nearby (Yay loot!). I opened it, and to my surprise.... there were 3 diamonds inside.... -.- Spent 2 and a half hours needlessly looking for diamonds when they were right in front of my face...

    After a few minutes of cursing Notch for trolling me, I headed back top side and constructed my quarry, filled up a cooling mechanism and set it up to run. I was filling the pre-defined area of the quarry with water (Which I just realized was a dumb idea upon writing this, since I can just send a BC pump down there to snag up all the lava for fuel/power instead of turning it to obby to get it out of my way.... ), when out of nowhere..... *TWANG!* *ssSSSSSSSS* *BOOM!* I turn around to find my quarry, engines, and pump missing.... and a few bones and a small crater in their place... Come to find out, there's a dark area near my quarry.... -.-

  • Hehe, but my story is mostly my fault... I run a dedicated server and play on the same machine, it lags oh so much! D:
    It's so sad to find out we were that stupid not to go that way, or not to look out D: