[Bug?] Infinite energy when charging drill with right click?

  • When I right click with a battery in hand to charge my mining drill and I am in range of a block such that my hand swings, the battery drains to 100 EU and does not discharge further, but still allows me to charge my drill. I have tested this in 2 separate worlds, both times with the normal mining drills and the bug occurs. Anyone else has experienced this issue?

    As for the versions of ML/MLMP/Forge/IC2 I have installed, I have the latest versions as I just downloaded and installed them today. I also have Buildcraft installed, could that have caused the problem?

  • I noticed in SMP play some readings were not right like batpack + wrench batpack does not update till you lift it up and down in the slot. Have you tried this you 100% it's infinite. Also I guess since hot bar item would not be the same we have reports yet not seen it myself of jetpacks taking damage and restoring 100% energy hehe.

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  • Well im not too sure thats its infinite, but im sure the battery isnt meant to last that long o.0

    You be amazed how many things are just a visual glitch then a true bug but give it a shot with the picking it up and down type thing :P

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  • I actually put the battery into a MFE to see that it still had 100 EU :P But il try dropping both items, picking up and see if it still bugs.

    Edit:Nope, still happens :/