Let's Play for my Girlfriend & You!

  • I thought i'd spice things up with a little change of pace.
    My girlfriend is currently down in the states, unable to play (Or watch me play) Skyrim, so I thought i'd throw this up for her! It's her birthday soon so I thought i'd do this for a while, and for anyone else who wants to watch some Skyrim footage!


    BUT if you are strictly focused on Minecraft only, I have just started a IC2/BC/RP2/Power Converters/Zeldos Pipes/ETC Server here. It may even have elemental creepers, I can't remember if I have that mod installed. + it's on Hard. Without further hesitation, here you are!


    If you want to come watch and give constructive criticism or suggestions, feel free! I'm here to do this for you and her :) More will be out daily, and feel free to subscribe if you'd like.

    Take care!