Support Request: Falling makes an error?

  • Okay, I really don't know if this is an IC2 error (I have many mods installed) but I was thinking this might be, since it hasn't happened to me before I updated IC2. Here is the error

    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field from class forge.ArmorProperties	at forge.ArmorProperties.ApplyArmor(	at xb.c(	at aar.a(	at xb.a(	at aar.e(	at xb.e(	at ms.a(	at ms.b(	at uh.b(	at aar.a_(	at xb.a_(	at aar.d(	at xb.d(	at uh.d(	at aar.B_(	at xb.B_(	at vq.a(	at vq.f(	at vq.m(	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1594)	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:709)	at	at Source)

    Any help or suggestions?

    EDIT: Sorry for making this post, found out the problem was just using the most resent version of forge instead of the most stable version -.- Backdating it to the most stable worked.