Welcome to industrial Master's!
We are a fairly/very new server with 10 player slots(I know its low) and will increase if popularity is there
The mods we have are:
Computer Craft 2.21, BuildCraft additional pipes 32.3, forestry, Charging Bench 1.64-r2, thermometer 1.1.9, BCIC2Crossover - 1.18 and Equivalent Exchange.
The same as those found on Industrial Rage [Thanks for that Killer Bee's]
The Rules:
No going out past 10000 in and direction.
Do not ask to be admin, we have them allready.
Griefers will be warned and if they grief again banned.
Do not build a quarry without first asking an admin for permission.
Do not build a Reactor without first asking an admin for permission.
Nuclear bombs are banned.
All in all, Have fun and Industrialize Minecraft!
Mumble Info:
Server IP:
Server Port:64737
We are looking for some interesting players to build a prospering server.
Griefers will be dealt with as with any server.
We look forward to seeing you there in the near future.