Wierd power transfer.

  • I have a system of luminators rigged up to a batbox each (so I can monitor power transfer without constant EU reading along the cable). My power system is quite robust, and I can transfer around 2000EU in 32EU packets per tick. I have confirmed this by breaking the cable, putting an MFSU down there, and monitoring the power input into it. But when I set the cable going into my Batboxes (connected a luminator each) the power transfer slows to a crawl of about 10EU/t! Why is this happening? Over half the luminators simply aren't recieving power at all, nor are the batboxes. Sometimes, breaking the cable so only a few batboxes are being filled at once restores the powerflow to about 2000EU/t, but not always.

  • I wonder if this is related to my problem. I came here to get help about it and saw this thread. Here it is (IC 1.95b; crossover 1.28):

    I'm having an issue with the engines and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Basically, I have 4 MFS's with energy back at a power plant. These all connect to a single line that runs out of the power plant. The energy runs through ~100m or so of fiber optic cable, and then ~50m of 1x insulated hv cable. I then convert it to MV and LV, and feed it to medium engines that power forestry wheat farms. The first engine is ~15m of 1x insulated copper cable away, and then there are more engines every 5m away (vertically). The engines are directly adjacent to the vertical copper line.

    Using an EU reader and cutting the line so as to have a certain number of engines receiving power (that are on), this is what I get:
    1: ~12.6 EU/t
    2: ~25.1 EU/t
    3: ~37.5 EU/t. Then it goes down to 20ish, and then to 16. Not sure why
    4: ~50 EU/t
    5: 40 EU/t
    6: 20 EU/t
    7: 16 EU/t

    With 7 on, only the first engine will have enough power - the others won't. As I understand IC energy, I should have plenty of power to spare since LV wire limits the "voltage" but allows an infinite number of packets to travel through the wires. Furthermore, dropping a tier from HV to MV and MV to LV produces 4x as many EU packets (that are 1/4 the voltage). I shouldn't be having a voltage loss issue, since copper 1x insulated wire looses 1 EU / 5m. The farthest engine should be ~50m away which is ~10 EU voltage loss, meaning that packets that make it that far would have a maximum strength of 22 EU/t, sufficient to power a [blue] medium engine which requires 12.5 EU/t.

    I also find the drop in EU/t by adding more engines after 4 strange. I would think that even if I didn't have enough power (such as only having enough for 4 engines), the EU/t would remain constant maxed out at ~50. Instead it drops and all but one engine cease to function.

    So... what am I not understanding correctly that is causing this setup not to work properly?