HAYO CORP: Nuclear Power (FREE: Reactor Blueprints)

  • ####<APR 27, 2013 00:04:02 aM EST> <Notice> <HAYO.corp> <HAYO.corp MAINFRAME cluster 19>####
    <MedRecServer> <main> <kernel identity> <211y34> <BEA-008250>
    <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    <exec. Announce>
    <on HAYO.corp.com/News>

    HELLO everybody.
    This is Skavier470 from HAYO.corp
    after again a long process of analyzing mistakes, studiying other companies, we thought it would be time again to publish our new designs.
    we found the Reactors that get posted everywhere, are somewhat lacking effeciency
    so thats why we introduced a new Rubrik:

    Energy so green it GLOWS

    this will focus on the least waste in ressources possible:


    The first one is a single-dual-cell hybrid:
    GLOW-1-EA-5.67: HYRBID

    GLOW-1-EA-5: the true GLOW

    <attached files: 5>
    <Server stopped>

    Change the scheme, alter the mood. Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind.

    [b][i][u][url=' [url='http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=7745']HAYO CORP: Nuclear Power (FREE: Reactor Blueprints)

    Edited once, last by skavier470 ().

  • link fixed.

    edited the first post.

    Change the scheme, alter the mood. Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind.

    [b][i][u][url=' [url='http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=7745']HAYO CORP: Nuclear Power (FREE: Reactor Blueprints)

    Edited once, last by skavier470 ().