Due to my love of the extremely HAYOish, I like to build extremely dangerous reactors with very high energy outputs. In order to better understand my limitations I would like to ask the following.
On the following wiki page from the most HAYOish source of information on the internet it states
QuoteA Nuclear Reactor is able to provide variable sized packets based on setup, the maximum possible energy output is 2400 EU\t.
The question is if I design a nuclear reactor will it be able to functionally go above 2400 EU\t as I have seen several designs with higher output?
If so, how will I be able to process the energy from this? Will a single HV transformer be sufficient to convert the energy to a lower packet size which can be filtered into a series of MFSUs or will I need to use multiple transformers?
According to the wiki a transformer's maximum input is 2048 which is considered extreme voltage.