Maximum Energy Production

  • Due to my love of the extremely HAYOish, I like to build extremely dangerous reactors with very high energy outputs. In order to better understand my limitations I would like to ask the following.

    On the following wiki page from the most HAYOish source of information on the internet it states


    A Nuclear Reactor is able to provide variable sized packets based on setup, the maximum possible energy output is 2400 EU\t.

    Wiki Page

    The question is if I design a nuclear reactor will it be able to functionally go above 2400 EU\t as I have seen several designs with higher output?

    If so, how will I be able to process the energy from this? Will a single HV transformer be sufficient to convert the energy to a lower packet size which can be filtered into a series of MFSUs or will I need to use multiple transformers?

    According to the wiki a transformer's maximum input is 2048 which is considered extreme voltage.


  • You may be able to get more than 2400EU/t, because the wiki is very outdated ^^. (You could even get something like 10 000 EU/t). I don't know if that would mean higher than 2048 Packet, but just think: designs that emit more than 2048 EU/t needs a lot of UUM, and it's kind of a waste of ura because this needs will considerably rduce your efficiency. 1000 EU/t is cool enough ^^

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • You may be able to get more than 2400EU/t, because the wiki is very outdated ^^. (You could even get something like 10 000 EU/t). I don't know if that would mean higher than 2048 Packet, but just think: designs that emit more than 2048 EU/t needs a lot of UUM, and it's kind of a waste of ura because this needs will considerably rduce your efficiency. 1000 EU/t is cool enough ^^

    I have a solar network that is currently producing 1024 eu/t because I'm using the compact solars mod, so this project is less about function and more about blowing things up.

  • I have a solar network that is currently producing 1024 eu/t because I'm using the compact solars mod, so this project is less about function and more about blowing things up.

    Then do you really need to output EU ?
    You could also use GregTech ...

    You're lucky, I haven't criticized the fact you play with Compact Solars, and not the fact you're spamming Solar Pannels ^^

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • In case anyone was curious, I constructed one of the nukes that outputs > 4000 eu/t. While the nuke worked, it incinerated anything I tried to put on it to actually use the power. Interesting as a science experiment only.

  • well thats obviusly the case as extreme voltage cables are only for upto 2048 eu get some gregtech wires for 8169eu... or split it up with transformers, ( not extreme voltage trans)

    Change the scheme, alter the mood. Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind.

    [b][i][u][url=' [url='']HAYO CORP: Nuclear Power (FREE: Reactor Blueprints)