Luminators being shut off or cut off

  • Ok let me first off say yes im a noob at java and with minecraft in general...

    I have seen a video and another topic on this forum talking about changing the code from it so when the power is cut it will kick off the light in a few seconds instead of 2 days.

    Not sure if this requires a compiled class to change this setting or how to go about it... Can someone please help? The luminators are great i just need to be able to turn them off or have them go out if the power gets cut or lost.

  • Ok. *.java is the source code. Your computer/Java cannot understand it.
    *.class is the compiled *.java. Your computer/Java can understand it.

    So yes, you do need a compiled class.

    However, if you are asking this, I recommend that you take a look at the MCP and Forge tutorials. If you don't know what those are, then I suggest you forget about it.