Server suddenly crashing with an IC2 error

  • Copy the IC2.cfg into the ic2_map.cfg, that fixed it for me. You might lose your blocks though.

  • Dammit, no. Stop telling people to destroy their blocks and lose their work! Update your IC2.cfg to use the values stored in IC2_map.cfg, NOT the other way around!

    Come on, follow my logic here:

    • when the world is created, IC2 stores IC2_map.cfg inside it, containing its current block and item ID assignments.
    • some time later, something happens (like the IC2.cfg gets deleted), and the block and item IDs get reassigned to different values.
    • when trying to load the world, IC2 says "your current settings don't match the ones I had when the world was created"

    At this point, which way does it make sense to resolve things: change the world to match the config, or change the config to match the world? Note that changing the world includes running it through something like mIDas because IC2_map is purely informational.

  • @narc-Derp, meant it the other way around >.> Blame my lack of sleep.
    Are you sure you didn't have DynamicAllocation set to true?

  • Eh I fixed my errors by copying the config from my client back to the server. Apparently the whole config was reset to default not just the block IDs at the top.