Weirdness with the config file(also using gregtech and other mods)

  • Hello everyone, i wanted to modify the config file to reduce the output of solar panel, :Wind Mill: :Water Mill: and :Reactor: but i ran into some problems..
    # Base energy generation values - increase those for higher energy yield

    first, i wanted to reduce the solar panel output to 0.1 eu, so i changed the number to 10
    then i start up mc and the solar panel outputs no energy, so i thought ok, ill change the number to 90, maybe every point halves the output.
    the solar panel outputs 0.1 eu, so thats fine.
    then i did the same with the :Water Mill: , but...
    the energy output was 0 (unmanned), the manned output was still the same..
    i then changed the :Water Mill: to 99 and i kinda got it in line with the solar panel (2 :Water Mill: = 1 solar panel )

    now time for the :Wind Mill: , changed the value to 90, and less, and less, and less, even at 20 it was still outputting basically the same eu as before... it doesnt make sense... maybe im retarded :P
    then the :Reactor: , tried changing the number to 4, 3, 2, 1, did nothing, output still the same. only setting the number to 0 stops it from outputting power.

    am i doing something wrong, or am i really bad at math? help pls :) MinecraftPig