Weird cabling issue

  • Hi,

    Wonder if someone can shed any light on this? Having some weird issues on my MP server when trying to run a long glass fiber cable which I can only describe as flaky! This might simply be answered by 'do cables need the chunk loaded to pass EU?' - I have either side of the cable with chunk loaders on them, so thats the HV Solar and the circuit it supplies but not the cable itself. The run is around 300 blocks away horizontally via a tunnel. I'm finding that I can see power on the cable up to about 200 blocks then the EU reader just shows 0EU after that. If I leave a batbox on it and watch the batbox it doesnt fill. If I go to the far side then come back, its filled by the time I return but as I'm travelling down the length of the cable, this is whats making me think it might be down to chunk loading. The EU reader is all over the place when testing though. Sometimes it shows 0 at one point, and sometimes it might be 20 blocks further.

    Wanted to check it wasnt something else like max distance on the cable or something (i'm sure fiber can go much further than 300 blocks though?). Its sending HV packets so it shouldnt be down to cable loss as it should only be loosing a handful of EU over that distance I think.

    Any ideas?



  • lol don't worry think I answered my own question. As I was typing it, it seemed more and more like its down to chunks so I slapped down a couple of 9x9 anchors to test and sure enough the batbox fills as it should and when I connect the circuit, i'm getting a solid 480EU from the HV panel. You learn something every day....

  • To add to this, any idea if solar panels should work in the desert when its raining? Just moved my solar panels 300 blocks & setup lots of anchors only to find out it doesn't seem to work. Arghhh why didn't I test it first!!!

  • Its a bit weird. From testing it seems that if its raining and I haven't been to that area recently they power up in rain, but if I go over there then it stops. Also seeing zombies & skele's alive in the desert in the day whilst its raining even though no rain is visibly falling except in the areas outside the desert. Guess my world is bugged :P