Hello dear IC² Community.
I am a noob, I just started (about 3 months ago) playing Minecraft with mods (I played Minecraft much longer ago and also used some mods, but buged me, that the installation of many mods at the same time often lead to the "not-working" of Minecraft. That's why I didn't used them anymore. 3 Months ago a friend told me to come on a modded server, and it was really fun making, so I started again playing Minecraft, but with mods. Now I administrate a small moded friends Server with a selfmade Modpack. That everything, I think...). Now the topic I need help at is, that I do not have a clue how to automate a Breeder reactor. What I mean is, that we have two types of Items that must be placed in the Breeder reactor, the Uranium cell and the delpleted isotope cell. How can I build a system with a mod like AE that puts the Uranium cell in a specific slot, and the D-Isotope Cells in another specific slots? (And when I am actually creating a thread for my problems again I will also ask, how I can make a program that stops the emitting of a redstone signal when the reactor reaches a specific temperature or your Energy Saving Units are full? And: Which way of autocrafting whould you recommend?) Thank you for reading (I am really sorry for asking so many noobish question)!

Noob needs help at Breeder Automation
Hello dear IC² Community.
I am a noob, I just started (about 3 months ago) playing Minecraft with mods (I played Minecraft much longer ago and also used some mods, but buged me, that the installation of many mods at the same time often lead to the "not-working" of Minecraft. That's why I didn't used them anymore. 3 Months ago a friend told me to come on a modded server, and it was really fun making, so I started again playing Minecraft, but with mods. Now I administrate a small moded friends Server with a selfmade Modpack. That everything, I think...). Now the topic I need help at is, that I do not have a clue how to automate a Breeder reactor. What I mean is, that we have two types of Items that must be placed in the Breeder reactor, the Uranium cell and the delpleted isotope cell. How can I build a system with a mod like AE that puts the Uranium cell in a specific slot, and the D-Isotope Cells in another specific slots? (And when I am actually creating a thread for my problems again I will also ask, how I can make a program that stops the emitting of a redstone signal when the reactor reaches a specific temperature or your Energy Saving Units are full? And: Which way of autocrafting whould you recommend?) Thank you for reading (I am really sorry for asking so many noobish question)!
For the automation: GregTech works best for that type of automation. With a certain machine, that consumes very little power, you can insert/extract items from specific slots in the reactor. I forgot which one though, so you'll have to look it up/ask an expert.
For adjusting the temperature just right, use the Nuclear Control addon. It adds normal/digital thermometers that can be used to check the temperature of a reactor. You could put a lever on the reactor, chuck a quad-Uranium cell in it, let it heat up until it starts setting stuff on fire, and shut it off just before it starts melting the containment vessel.
For an equal-breeder-reactor that never needs the temperature cooled down/heated up, I suggest this one:
There are more efficient ones out there, but they are all slightly off, and slowly cool down/heat up, so they would need lots of unnecessary automation to keep them at the proper temperature, automatically.For shutting off the reactor when the storage is full, set the storage block to ''emit energy if full'', hook it up to a redstone NOT gate, and connect the NOT gate directly to the reactor. When the storage gets full, it emits redstone signal into the NOT gate, which stops emitting signal to the reactor. Visual diagram:
= redstone dust
= redstone torch on the side of a stone block
= stone block with redstone on top of it
Do note that redstone needs to be pointing directly at the MFSU, or there must be some on top of it (use Shift-rightclick to place it on it without opening the GUI)
Good luck. -
Thank you for answering, SegFaulter, but I actually wanted to know how to solve these problems with CC, but I think that now maybe a friend who can LUA will help me (hopefully). But there is still the problem to put items in a special slot of an inventory, has anyone an idea to solve this?
Well, I alredy did that, but thank you. My Problem is, that the Uranium Cells belong into diffrent slots than the Delpteded Isotope Cells, and AE doesn not have the possibility to select in which slot exactly the specific item will be filled in.