Suggestion for implementation of a good energy-network : Voltage, Amperage, Wattage and Resistance.

  • the thickness of the wire core is fixed, you can only increase the insulation

    irl you don't want insulation due to its parasitic capacitance as it's AC

    is it?
    it is not like we can't make a new cable. even if it is still from copper.

  • RL. You mentionned it. If you really want RL stuff, you'd have to include L (not sure of the words represented by this letters in english, it's counted in H (Henry or Henri, don't remember as well ^^) and is the main characteristic of Coils) and then you'd have C [capacity] as well for Condensators ... And then, RLC Circuits as timer xD

    Those are ridiculous in Cables, but not in machines.

    I it is I in English and is called Inductance