Posts by Fenrisulfr

    I mean no disrespect to any mod developer; I use and enjoy a large number of Minecraft mods, and appreciate the dedication and work that goes into them. However, having been re-introduced to this mod by the Yogscast (I used the original IC long, long ago) and thus introduced to the 'controversy' over the modpack, I find myself confused. People keep throwing around words like 'illegal' and 'unlicensed', which leads me to wonder: what makes you think that mod developers have the authority to 'license' the use of their mods or to in any way restrict their use, modification, and/or distribution? I'm not trying to incite anything, I'm genuinely curious. As I understand it, Notch holds all rights to Minecraft and anything derived from it, such as mods. He allows users to decompile his code and make modifications, but he could at any time tell you to stop and you'd have to or face the possible legal consequences. If it's all right for a mod developer to modify and distribute code owned by Notch/Mojang, why can any other user not do the same to the mod developer's code?