Hey everybody,
first of all i'm new here and in IC², so don't hit me
i also apologize my bad english 
so now we can start(and yes i read the tutorial):
i want to create two reaktors with max output EU/t and less ressource uses(at least no braking of components) and the cooldown time ist equal or less then the running time
So i'm looking for a Mark II or III reaktor with these specifications above.
i want to run one reactor and at the same time the second one cool down. that the reason the coldown time should be equal to the running time
The first design i found was the Mark II-1 B reactor from this thread if i'm right it has a running time of ~2h 30min (10000s?) and have a cooling time of 1h 15mins... with 60eu/t
it sounds good, but in my opinion this design waste potential with running two reactors because the cooldown time is half of the runing time, thats the reason i'm loocking for a better design or maybe someone has one, it would be the best 
another question is: what happend if I have a reactor with empty uranium cells and start these? I hope it is not danger and only doesn't work. I ask this, because if i forget the change of uranium cells and the reaktor starts automaticly I'm afraid that the reactor could blow up.