Posts by PCgameguy

    Attention:The server will not be available to the public indefinitely. If you want a space-mining server, please check out OutlandCraft. No-one on our team has been on the server, but from some research, we have concluded that it has a larger community, better server, more organized staff, and the original creator of the space-station mining idea. We were inspired by this. We do not know if the server will ever be up again, but thankyou to the handful of people who gave it a shot.

    VenusCraft is a server about a mining station in Venus's atmosphere. After discovering the special properties of the Venus atmosphere's ability to create wormholes to distant planets, a wealthy man invested his company's fortune in setting up a mining facility. Every week the portal sets a new destination, this is because the longer a portal stays, the more power is required to maintain the link to that one destination. All that is certain in the destination is the fact that the atmosphere is breathable.

    The current portal destination is the planet: Crantara

    Mods Required to play: IndustrialCraft2 1.95b, Buildcraft 2.2.14 (If the server ever goes back on, we might just say to use Tekkit because of how annoying it is to install the 20 diffferent mods/plugins that we have accumulated.)

    The IP has been removed due to the inactivity of our server.

    That's honestly like 40 times faster than my 4 year old 400€ computer. Not like that is required to run skyrim as even I can run it on ultra at around 25fps.

    The build is hyper-future-proofed. Honestly, I think I'd sooner throw away this computer than sell it as used parts. By the time it becomes obsolete and useless, I probably would've gotten a good 6+ years of max-graphics gaming. Let me just say I am not afraid to give up my precious 680 if I need to. But rumor has it that Galaxy will be coming out with some single-slot 680s, so I could use them for SLI. If they don't, however, I'll go for the best dual GPU on the market when my video card begins losing it's pizzazz and either the dual-gpu Maxwell or AMD equivalent is available (and I'm SURE that I wouldn't be able to get anything better for the GPU).

    Update: Just finished doing an unboxing video for my GTX 680. I ended up getting it off like 2 weeks ago. (It's always sold out on Newegg). I hope to finish doing all the unboxing videos for my computer parts and actually BUILD my computer on Satuday (4/12/2012). I look forward to many hours of HD Skyrim :D

    passinglurker I felt the same way too at first, but after wasting using several hours of my time to research computer parts. I think I finally figured it out. Here is my EXTREMELY expensive build :P :

    Motherboard: Asus ROG Rampage IV Extreme
    Video Card: Zotac NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
    RAM: G.Skill ARES 32 GB Quad Channel Memory Kit
    CD/DVD/BD Drive: Asus 12X Blu-Ray Writer (BW-12B1ST)
    OS: Microsoft Windows 7, Linux Mint
    Solid-State Drives: Two 120 GB Vertex2 SATA II 2.5" Solid State Drives
    Hard Drives: Two 3.5" Barracuda 7200RPM 3 TB Hard Drives
    CPU: Intel i7 Generation 2 Processor- 3930k
    Power Supply: Antec 1000 watt High Power Pro 80 Plus Platinum Power Supply
    Chassis: Cooler Master HAF X
    CPU Cooler: Corsair H100
    Capture Card: AVerMedia Game Broadcaster HD (You didn't think I'd forget sharing the pleasure of HD gaming with everyone else, did you?)

    On March 22, Nvidia releases its Geforce GTX 680, the next card in its line of high-end video cards. Last time, when the GTX 590 was released around the same time last year, it sold out in the US in just a WEEK. So if anybody wants a 680 they better grab it tomorrow (I'm posting this from the EST time zone, so it's still Wednesday). I felt like posting this because I felt it was the best way of notifying people of the release that I would share common interests with (IC2). So if anybody here wants a new video card just released from Nvidia with all the newest tech they give, you better hurry and I mean DON'T hesitate.

    Edit: Changed Forum title from 580 to 680, it was a typo :P

    Edit #2: Changed title from "Geforce GTX 680 to be Released March 22!!!" to "Video Card/Computer Build Discussion"

    Here's an idea: How about you save yourself some wiring trouble and just have a building say every 2 or 3 city blocks that has energy-o-mats inside (think laundromat for power instead of washing clothes) and then people just hook up there stuff for when they need power.

    Here's an alternative idea: build a grid underneath the road with occasional centralized power storage stations for sudden increases in demand, then, build a wire to every house and hook it up to an energy-o-mat, that way you make the people pay for the electricity (good for making money and making sure power isn't wasted) and you deliver power for them.

    Note: Truth be told, if available under the conditions, I'd go with the second one. The first one is good for large cities, or when you don't have time to build a super complex infrastructure.

    "I like the idea of a Code Chest... I find it annoying having a team and a safe which only 1 person can access"

    Thanks for the idea, I put it up on the page. I even gave you credit. If you have any more awesome ideas, go and write your own threads! I'd love to see what techie ideas you come up with. I know you helped my thread. Thanks again, and happy suggestion posting!

    P.S. This is for you: :thumbup:

    One day your very noisy machines are having a very productive time in your underwater base; and your having a great mining trip. But then Mr. McThief overhears you macerator's **clunk, clunk, clunk** and starts to dig down. Your base is penetrated, the torches and your precious redstone circuits are immediately dismantled by the water stolen by Mr. McThief; he then dismantles your noisy machines. You then happily skip back from the mine with a nice stack of diamonds, only to find your base flooded and all your precious machines stolen. What caused this? Mr. McThief overheard your noisy Macerator. Now what if he couldn't hear it? Behold! Soundproof blocks! Made from your best friend: rubber!

    Craft like so:
    :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
    :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
    :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:

    The :Rubber Trampoline: is where a piece of rubber is.

    Now Mr. McThief can't overhear your noisy Industrial Diamond operation and you don't have to pay Mr. McRipoff for overpriced machine and redstone insurance! Double win deserves two super happy faces! :D :D

    An Idea So No One Has to Rewrite the Sound System: I was thinking maybe the more sound absorbing blocks you placed within a certain distance of the machine, the less noise it would make overall. Eventually, you could place enough blocks so then you'd have to be about 3-4 blocks away or less to hear the machine (and it wouldn't be making your ears sad even then :)).

    Now I want to hear your opinion! Do you think soundproof blocks should be implement? Do you think there should be changes? Participate in the poll and put your comments below.

    One day you go home to your pretty house after a long day of mining. But WAIT, the guys from next door are in your house! And you realize that your wooden door is good no more. Behold, the Code Door and the Personal Door!

    The personal door works like a personal safe, you, and only you, can use it.
    The crafting recipe is like:

    MinecraftGhast :Electronic Circuit: MinecraftGhast
    MinecraftGhast :Advanced Furnace: MinecraftGhast
    MinecraftGhast :Rubber Log: MinecraftGhast
    The :Advanced Furnace: is a machine block, the :Rubber Log: is whatever door Albaka thinks fits best, the :Electronic Circuit: is an electronic circuit, and the MinecraftGhast is an empty space.

    But wait! What if your roomate doesn't like having to grief his way into the house every time? Well then you need a code door. Right clicking on the door will open a GUI, and you can enter your somewhat customizable code!
    The crafting recipe is like so:

    :Electronic Circuit: MinecraftGhast :Electronic Circuit:
    MinecraftGhast :Advanced Furnace: MinecraftGhast
    MinecraftGhast :Rubber Log: MinecraftGhast

    Again, the :Advanced Furnace: is a machine block, the :Rubber Log: is whatever door Albaka thinks fits best, the :Electronic Circuit: is an electronic circuit, and the MinecraftGhast is an empty space.

    A Quick Note: Every IC^2 is too good for griefing and stealing, and you know that. If you do grief and steal, uninstall IC^2; you're not behaved enough (or kind enough, for that matter) for the privilege.

    Now, what if you want to be able to share items in a chest only certain group of people can access? Behold, the code chest! Credit to FourFire for this idea, you rock!

    Craft like so:

    :Electronic Circuit: MinecraftGhast :Electronic Circuit:
    MinecraftGhast :Advanced Furnace: MinecraftGhast
    MinecraftGhast :Coal Chunk: MinecraftGhast

    Once AGAIN, the :Advanced Furnace: is a machine block, the :Electronic Circuit: is an electronic circuit, and the MinecraftGhast is an empty space. Also, now the :Coal Chunk: represents whatever chest Albaka thinks fits best.

    IGN: PCgameguy1

    Have you ever played Industrial Craft before?: Yes, just not on a server. (Never had enough patience to request being whitelisted before :S ).

    Age: 11 to 13 (not telling for privacy reasons).

    Have you ever played on realmcraft servers before?: No.

    Did someone invite you to join our server? If so who(In Game Name)?: I found this server thread on my own.

    I want to have the full IC^2 experience which requires playing with other great IC^2 fans.