Posts by Sceppie

    I *think* I found a bug with the redstone signal update next to a batbox:

    I wonder if it's just me or can anyone else confirm this too?


    [06.11.2012 | 12:49:53] <matjam> Sceppie:
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:08] <matjam> and I figured out the fix for it.
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:14] <Sceppie> aha
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:20] <Sceppie> easy to do ?
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:34] <matjam> no
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:42] <Sceppie> fair enough :P
    [06.11.2012 | 12:50:48] <matjam> easy for them
    [06.11.2012 | 12:51:00] <matjam> I'm working with deobfuscated/decompiled source
    [06.11.2012 | 12:51:30] <matjam> hint hint
    [06.11.2012 | 12:52:05] <matjam> they're all asleep :(
    [06.11.2012 | 12:52:07] <matjam> or something.
    [06.11.2012 | 12:52:22] <matjam> I fixed the audio bug too, mostly.