o my god relase 1.4.2
Posts by fizzn
warning ic2 old version -
I hate reading that Russian stuff. I got this from Google Translate, author paligator, thats probably not correct and I have no idea what it means.
изучи русский слэнг и язык гугл транслит в помошь ! -
Hello boys and girls ! Our scientists are glad to present you the latest advanced scientific development !!! After UFO falling near to Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947 we are engaged more than 65 years in reverse engineering. There were numerous attempts to reproduce the gravitational engine of aliens, but till 2012 they were unsuccessful. And now after long years of research we represent you our new development a gravitational suite, based at alien technology.
And now we are proud to present to you:
UltimateLappack (based on our advanced development in the field of power and properties of iridium in combination to superconductors).
Tech specification:
- energy storage 10 000 000 eu and it's can full charge and discharge about at 25 seconds !!! It's fully charge MFE only for 2 seconds.
- can charge and discharge at MFE and MFSU. You can use it as portable storage.
- visual indication of activation mode and charge state ! (See screenshot at spoiler ! You can change visual indicator energy state placement in config file. Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright.)
GravitationChestPlate (Based on the latest gravitational engine and UltimateLappack).
Tech specification:
- It's allow fly ! . Default key for activate Gravitation engine is "F" (you can change it in options). Fly mode activate by double jump. Remember: if gravi engine is "ON", you loose energy irrespective of you fly or not.
- contains all spec of quantum body armor.
- energy storage 10 000 000 eu and it's can full charge and discharge about at 25 seconds.
- can charge and discharge at MFE and MFSU. You can use it as portable storage.
- supplies with energy your electrotool (as drill, saw, laser and etc..)
- full charge will suffice for 20 minutes of flight. Can boost fly by press "Boost key" (сonsumption of energy increases in 3 times).
- visual indication of activation mode and charge state ! (See screenshot at spoiler ! You can change visual indicator energy state placement in config file. Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright.)
Ultimate Solar Helmet (Based on "Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel").
Tech specification:
- This item available only with my addon Advanced Solar Panels .
- energy storage 1 000 000 eu and new technology with superconductors can full charge for few seconds !
- armor strength equivalent of quantum helmet
- no special abilities of quantum helmet (food and underwater supply, because advanced solar panel replace this modules)
- can charge all electric items in Inventory (charging algorithm: first charge armor, second others items in inventory)
- default generating value: day - 512 eu \t, night - 64 eu\t (you can change this values in config file)
Advanced Lappack
Tech specification:
- energy storage 1 000 000 eu.
- can charge at MFE, MFSU
- visual indication of charge state.
Advanced Diamond Drill
Tech specification:
- 35% faster than diamond drill
- energy consumption 100% more than diamond drill
Advanced Chainsaw
Tech specification:
- 35% faster than chainsaw
- energy consumption 100% more than chainsaw
- can eff operate with (wool, melon, pumpkin, cactus)
Vajra (ultimate tool)
Tech specification:
- Based the destruction of intermolecular bonds with the microwave magnetic field
- Can break any block in game (exclude bedrock) with one hit (include in flight mode)
- 30% better damage than nanosaber
- energy consumption 3333 eu per hit (work time with vajra + Ultimate Lappack equivalent diamond drill + lappack).
Addon spotlight by ultimate_omega: http://youtu.be/o6xbxJ8G3-w
Addon spotlight by Corjaantje: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6UzyGFFjGoSphax purebdcraft style pack (128x, 64x) by Pcmaster160 : http://bdcraft.net/forum/128x64x-gravitation-suite-11
Design of Gravitation Suite:
Crafting recipe (you can disable some crafting recipes in config file):
For all craft we need create our new superconductor for UltimateLappack and GraviChestPlate.
First we need to craft Superconductor cover:After we can create superconductor:
For craft new Gravitation chestplate we must craft some new items.
Cooling core for gravitation engine:And gravitation engine:
Now we can craft GravitationChestPlate:
Ultimate Solar Helmet:
Advanced Lappack:
Advanced Diamond Drill:
Advanced Chainsaw:
For craft new Vajra we need:
Vajra Core:
And now we can craft Vajra:You can change visual indicator energy state placement in config file. Also you can disable it, if you use others HUD addons ! (Hud position is: 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright)
Sceenshots of visual indicator energy state:
1.3 -> 1.4
+ Added ultimate tool in game - "Vajra". Based on real device. The principle of work is based on destruction of intermolecular bonds with the microwave magnetic field. It's breaks any block in game with one hit (exclude bedrock).
+ Added "middle game" items (advanced lappack, advanced diamond drill, advanced chainsaw)
+ Superconductor added in Forge OreDictionary (as "itemSuperconductor")
+ All items added as fully charged in IC2 creative tab1.2 -> 1.3
+ Porting to Minecraft 1.3.2 and IC 1.106 / 1.107
+ Now addon is Universal (same file for Server and Client)
+ Added Ultimate Solar Helmet (only available with addon "Advanced Solar Panels")
+ Added disable recipe options in config flie for all items in addon
+ Added disable option for hud display (if you use other HUD addons).
+ Changed recipe for "Cooling core"
+ Optimized source code1.1 -> 1.2
+ Fixed bug at game GUI and menu when pressed "FLY" key. (such as search menu at NEI and etc...).
+ Fixed bug with display HUD (status) over others menus in game (such as Inventory, debug screen and etc.)
+ Fixed bug: when off creative mode and "Gravitation engine ON" fly mode is off and player falling down.
+ Added HUD (status) placement (you can setup it in config file). Hud position is 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright1.0 -> 1.1
+ Fixed bug in console with same items ID.
+ Added priority load after IC2.
+ Fixed bug with config files (Some people don't have config file. I hope it's fixed now)Old versions:
Minecraft 1.3.2 (IC 1.107 / 1.106):
mod_zGraviSuite_1_3_universalMinecraft 1.2.5 (IC 1.103):
P.S. Thanks to Arhan and Krezzard for graphics and crafting ideas. And other peoples who help me develop this adddon.
автор спасибо за крутой мод -
For fun and as an exercise in getting started in modding Minecraft, I have implemented Liquid UU-Matter. As I had expected (and stated in that thread), I couldn't really think of anything useful to do with liquid UUM, but it turned out kind of pretty so it could just sit around in a tank all day... but I wasn't really satisfied with that, and then FunnyMan3595 had the idea of using liquid UUM in refinery recipes.
You remember the Buildcraft refinery, with *two liquid inputs*, right? So it would be fairly trivial to, say, put UUM and some other liquid together and make more of that liquid. Unfortunately, one or two of the recipes we wanted are a little bugged at the moment, but you can successfully duplicate water, lava, and fuel, as well as most Forestry liquids (if you have them):
For those interested in the numbers:
- 1 UU + 1 water = 10 water
- 1 UU + 1 lava = 5 lava
- 1 UU + 1 oil = 2 oil (does not work due to Buildcraft bug)
- 2 UU + 1 fuel = 2 fuel
- 1 UU + 1 biomass = 2 biomass (again, Buildcraft bug)
- 2 UU + 1 biofuel = 2 biofuel
- 1 UU + 1 seed oil = 4 seed oil
- 1 UU + 1 apple juice = 4 apple juice
- 1 UU + 1 liquid honey = 2 liquid honey
The energy cost for any of these operations is 5 MJ/t; the reasoning was that you already spent a good amount of EUs on making the UUM in the first place, so the MJ cost shouldn't be prohibitive (for comparison, it takes 10 MJ/t to make fuel out of oil). Note also that these recipes are not carefully balanced (or at all balanced, in fact), so they will probably get switched around later. This post will always contain values accurate for the current release.Getting UUM into a tank is extremely simple, just right-click the tank with a piece of UUM in your hand. Getting it back out again is the same process, but using empty cells. Note that you will lose the cell in doing so, but that was ultimately considered a trivial cost, well in line with the other uses of cells in IC2.
You may also use the Forestry squeezer and bottler for these operations, if Forestry is available. Similarly, you can use Forestry cans (but *not* wax capsules of either kind) if you want to carry the liquid UU around.
Oh, and if you want the source, it's included in the .zip, or you can head over to github and read it there, or send pull requests if you feel like it.
Version history (reverse chronological order):
v0.6: Added Forestry integration: duplicate its liquids, put UU in Forestry cans, and use the Squeezer and Bottler to work with liquid UU.
v0.5: Initial release: put UUM into tanks, use it in the refinery to duplicate basic liquids.
nuce mod -
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sorry this comment cool mod -
Hey guys. Now i would like to present my first addon named CobbleGenerator.
What does it to?
Takes 50 EU (by default, you can change it in config, as well as the block id) to generate 1 cobblestone. As of v0.2, it has its energy storage = 2049 (max possible voltage + 1). It drops cobblestone on the top of it.
It is located on "IC2" creative tab (again, as of v0.2)Why?
If you don't have BC (and you aren't able to create snow factory), this mod is probably for you. If you install it, you probably will not have problems with SCRAP. Also you could use stone as building material.~ Captain Obvivious
How to use it?
1) Craft it.(As of 0.2, water and lava cells can be swaped)
2) Give it enough energy
3) Result blocks will be on the top of block.
4) ????
Evolitist for his help on IC2 api, SeNtiMeL for his QGenerator code (and getting IC2 tab).Download links:
Addon is universal for client and server. It is open source, i think it might be helpful for beginners. (I will upload new source in next version)
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