Posts by WTFFFS

    I wouldn't bother with extra bees atm it's buggy as hell (lol) yeah bad pun but it is still not stable enough even for me and I regularly run alphas\betas, expecting issues.

    Greg can you PLEASE add the version of the mod to the filename. I never know if there's an update or not.


    Just download once a week, I would guarantee you will have missed several updates, Greg is a machine :D

    Or you know you could just read the thread, there hasn't been an update that I've seen that hasn't been mentioned.

    It's discussion about a computer game people, not state secrets. Forum registration is bad enough, the activation step is overkill.

    Did you get your isp conected ok?
    Figured out how to use links yet?
    A small suggestion for a new internet user such as yourself, try IE for a while but seriously look into one of the other browsers Chrome is good as is Firefox.

    Sorry if you are not a new internet user but you are definitely looking like one, this forums registration process is pretty standard in fact I'd say it's one of the easier ones can't remember if they had a captcha or not but most do.

    I have crash with 1.4.6 and 1.4.7, but i will try again, changing some little things (because that's not the same crash). Anyway, if it's the plugins i can't found any other version. Did i need to change the "core" ?
    Can someone give me exact version number for plugin/core/nei ?

    I'm running CCC 0.6.10\NEI\ plugins\Forge with no problems with IC2 1.109 so try those together and if it still crashes try looking elsewhere for the problem.

    Hey greg, how would you feel about adding Corundum to the mod? It's a good source of aluminum and has traces of iron, titanium, and chromium. Perfect for grinding :)

    Corrundum is already in the mod it's gem quality version is known as Ruby, one thing I do really like about this mod is the products from processing minerals make sense (as I'm a geologist) they aren't 100% accurate (or possible) but they are definitely close enough for gameplay.

    I know this was answered already but I posted this and then had a 500 error, ah well.

    Personally I'd rate the quarry as much more overpowered than Steves Carts, the basic drill cart (which is still not exactly cheap requires a ton of iron as well as a few diamonds and some other bits and pieces) only mines a 3x3 tunnel in a single direction (and without abusing other mods cheap chunkloaders, the mods own chunkloader is very expensive) it needs constant babysitting to not go into unloaded chunks and stop. The next step up which is a 5x5 tunnel is very expensive a full stack of diamonds near enough as well as a load of iron and once again a few other bits an pieces they also require a couple stacks of coal to actually make and do require fueling while they work as well as other various other consumables (bridge mats, torches). Truthfully I think Greg would enjoy the tiering of Steves Carts, I know I do and I enjoy the tiering of Gregtech (bloody blast furnaces). The carts nicely sidestep the "magic block" issue and the higher tier carts require a vast amount of resources but they are also quite powerful.

    That's awesome to me. I've always wanted something to use BC Oil without using others transformers mods (because of exploit such as Lava MJ-Value, Redstone Engine used as a way of generating continuously EU ...) Your ratios are good :D

    Edit: With you addon you're proviging a balanced crossover between IC² and BC ... what about RC and IC² ? I'm talking about that, because I would like using RC, but it has currently to me not enough uses, and I would probably install it if there is a way to turn steam into EU without OP-Crossovers/Transformers mods ... So what about adding a Steam Generator ? That would produce per Coal the same amount or slightly less than what it produce with OP addons (we have to buff Coal ^^).

    Steam>EU is handled directly in Railcraft itself with the Steam Turbine and seems to be fairly well balanced, you can even set your IC2 reactor to produce steam to power a turbine in the config.

    EDIT: but more options are always nice :)

    I made 3 test worlds for Iridium search, but didn't find. What other ore from spendthrifts interrupts Iridium. I think its Silver Ore (or Lead ore) on Thermal Expansion mod, ID = 2001. This mod silver ore i have id 703. And im use FTB launcher.

    I'm running the same mods as FTB (with a few extra) and Iridium Ore does generate it's just rarer than hens teeth 20% chance\chunk and can gen up to y=99? I think it is? so if you do the standard branch\stripmine at y=12 or so you will quite likely miss it even if it did generate.

    And I told you how to fix it in the first sentence of my post, as I suggested if you can't work out how to or can't be bothered with editing config files you should probably look at using a pre-created modpack. The Feed The Beast modpack is a good one with a lot of support available.

    Block ID conflict change the conflicting block ID in in either the Computercraft config or the Gregtech config.
    If you don't want to screw around with configs grab the FTB modpack it's all done for you and includes the joy that is GregTech (as well as a metric fuckton of excellent mods).

    probably omniwrench bug, i think there is nothing he can do about it.

    Yeah I know possibly a bug with omniwrench but there are a couple reasons I posted it here,
    one I remembered it when I was reading this thread (specifically when I read a post by GregoriusT about something to do with tile entities)
    two I know that King of Lemmings reads this thread
    so whichever mod is the culprit this minor not even that annoying bug should get squished it was more of a heads up about an I believe unintended effect.

    Also if GregoriusT states it's an Omniwrench bug I'll go bug King of Lemmings in his Omniwrench thread :D

    Found a small bug I dismantled an Industrial Electrolyser with the Omniwrench ( one of King of Lemmings mods) and it dropped the Electrolyser as well as "tile_entity gregtech" which was placeable in the world and looked like an advanced machine block, when this entity was broken it just disappeared so as I said minor bug just mentioning it.

    An idea for a completely useless, endgame, overpowered to hell item that you'd make just "because you can" an upgrade to the quantum suit that links it to your bases energy storage. Of course it would be stupidly expensive, as I said made just because you can :D

    Thanks for the reply, ok so it's not on my end good to know :)

    I have Railcraft\BC\Forestry\IC2(of course:D)\Mystcraft hell basically if it's a well known mod and the majority of their addons I have it lol and the 600 range is clear if that's at all helpful :)

    I'm liking the idea of a bigger MFSU, my Railcraft boilers\turbines will need something more to store all of that in. Well ok I do have GregTech as well but I'm probably going to do something silly and get a loop of converters\storage options set up just for the hell of it most of the mods have ways of storing\converting\ producing power so might be fun to see if i can get free energy by up and down converting between mods lol

    Got a small issue with the Titanium Chest well a largish one, the recipe doesn't work, when cheated in it's textured as a vanilla chest in inventory, when placed in the world it's invisible and it is very very slow to open the GUI I don't have a crash related to it so unfortunately there is no crash log to point at and go AHA!!! otherwise I would have it's not an item or block ID conflict as far as I can tell I mean the mod items did conflict with railcraft ID's but I resolved that. Possibly related but possibly not the titanium ore was an untextured white block until I enabled the "light" in the config.
    So my question is is this an issue at your end or should I go looking elsewhere (probably somewhere in the 44 other mods installed lol) for the problem ?

    Edit: Oh yeah a small suggestion given the easy availability of titanium (compared to diamonds anyway) I would suggest that the chest recipe needs to be more expensive as currently it is easier to obtain than the diamond chest from ironchests and as big, so given that the titanium is fairly rare possibly sticking a diamond in the middle (instead of the chest) and calling it a bling latch would put it pretty much dead on for cost. I really like the mod costs for items otherwise and the mod itself works very nicely.