[Final addition to post: Interresting stuff most likely closer to bottom, and this upper part seems to end up being just path showing some of tought process and some analysis that led there.]
Yeap as said, closer to different version than clearly beating. Happy to notice i didnt have any clearly noticeable major oversight that would have rendered my design clearly unusable right there.
(with me normally [atleast before late late resource situations] i normally end up with situations where i have mediumsized piles of ores but im half cronically lacking in lapis or redstone. Hmm should maybe bother more with explorational tunneleering.)
But back to matter in hand. Trues found it interresting how i recerive 13% better average output with only 87,7% of cooling and exact same heat production, to be honest doing that design was what made me notice how mark 3+ seems to have yet another way to look at design: "instead of how to make it warm slower, how to make it just cool faster after cycle" and fact that those 2 dont seem to be as directly linked as i used to think. (last night almost all layout tests i made ended up having reactor plates in them with quite nice looking [even tho often quite minor] positive effect. In some places just slightly but direcly performing better than heat dispensers, most times causing as we see here situation of less cooling but faster cooling between running periods.
Okey... now that im looking at effectivenes / price of those few components (ok have to admit trying to see if i can push my design to even 0.1 eu/t or so outperform yours while costing same or less...) noticed something in simulation, not sure if its feature of simulation or was there something i had missed this far:
58.5 eu/t
compared to
58 eu/t
Guessing that might be rounding thing in calculations, becouse reactors are each other just mirrored up and down, leading to question how exact decimals are in average output calculation. hmm but yeah haha with 20 enviroment water like in your design i seem to outperform you with 0.1 eu/t [didnt even notice but now].... But still come out costier (your: 265 copper, 117 bronze vs. my: 263 copper, 120 bronze) in ores even tho im still that minor ammount of cheaper in rubber, red... and advantage of 0.1eu/t is quite questionable, expecially when it leads to so short generation & cooldown time (47s & 10min 12s) most likely loosing more to non perfect timings.
As i rememberd from last night mine seems to be quite ok with removal of components causing just shorter cycle instead of dimishing aver. Production
even to point where _theoretically_ seems that stripped version:
Same reactor but just reduced from couple of costy and slowly cooling components.
Now at: [Less cooling than you and _more_ heat generated per tick]
62 eu/t {52s run, 636s cooldown} (compared to: 58,4 eu/t {224s run, 2917s cooldown)
just same or tiny ammount cheaper than your design[my (your) {%} resource]
253 (265) {95,5%} Copper
140 (141) {99,3%} Tin
120 (117) {102,6%} Bronze
208 (209) {99,5%} Iron
97 (121) {80,2%} Rubber
98 (112) {87,5%} Redstone
32 (40) {80%} Glowstone
32 (40) {80%} Lapiz
Even tho i sceptical on what my reactor would produce as Effective Eu/t even with quite masterfully made timings.
Oh dear... at this point sorry for post just dragging longer and longer without much information value added (more like wondering and thinking aloud). But now it has been noticed, when doing mark 3+ reactors reactor plates are starting to be my favorite cooling component.
Found out that my design seems to start gaining performance when i even further reduce my cooling. O_o
If i can interrest you in taking look at:
Resource cheap variant:
70,9 Eu/t (46s run, 486s Cooldown)
5 Copper and 3 Tin costier than yours (bronze broken to copper & tin costs), But at same time
36 Rubber, 36 Redstone, 12 Lapiz & Glows cheaper than yours.
Meaning 21,4% higher Effective Eu/t for cost of having shorter run & cooldown cycles.
Option where it led instantly after:
76,9 Eu/t (90s run, 874s cooldown)
30 Copper, 12 Tin and 6 iron costier than yours (Bronze again in those numbers), still same on other materials as one above,
36 Rubber, 36 Redstone, 12 Lapiz & Glows cheaper than yours.
Meaning 30,9% higher Effective Eu/t.
Nice side being that those 2 designs are just each other with added components meaning more potential in flexibility inside chamber.
O_O Sorry what, would someone confirm... just noticed that i can get extra Effectiveness without even altering run time by further _REMOVING_ cooling from that last design as further developement.
It seems that coolant cells and distributors are in some cases _the Enemy_ in mark V design.
Mark V
Effeciency: 4
Average Eu/t: 87,2
Generation time: 90s
Cooldown time: 756s
Cost: 215 Iron, 267 Copper & 146 Tin
[49,3% higher average Eu/t compared to eff 4 reactor in first post.]
To be honest... if simulator is not miscalculating or presenting somethin. Now im starting to feel like potentially claiming to have outperformed your reactor. ![biggrin :D](https://forum.industrial-craft.net/core/images/smilies/smiley6.png)
And yes i produce way more heat and cool my reactor way less, while its running, But archieve superior cooldown when shut down for cooldown.
whew... now maybe some day clothes on... has been already hour or more from waking up and coming here after wc and brushing teeth...
Would love to hear your imput on those Rick.