Posts by bobcat64

    I see this is also the thread to bombard Greg with suggestions and the crazy thing is it seems he actually reads and responds to them!

    Can you craft aluminum foil?

    YES! And you should be able to craft it into a hat which keeps Notch MinecraftNotch from reading your thoughts! (fun fact: tin foil is almost always made from aluminum)

    My (serious) suggestions:

    aluminum boat which doesn't get destroyed on lily pads or anything (except when punching to make it an item again). Though I don't find myself in much of need for one when I have an electric jetpack...

    Maybe alternate recipe for :Empty Cell: giving twice the normal amount?

    So um how are we suppose to get a stack of 16 mushroom soup? Got a feeling this was a copy-paste error as pretty much all food takes 16 or so to centrifuge into methane.

    Great mod so far, though I'm not liking the extremely really rare iridium that's needed for all high tech stuff including the matter fabricator which can make iridium. I know, I know, I can change stuff in the config, just seems like cheating.

    What if there was some sort of expensive iridium detector that would roughly guide you to find it. Like maybe just have it check if there is iridium inside the chunk you're in. That would be 16x16 from bedrock to surface you would still have to dig to find it. Or maybe a range detector that maxes out when you're like 32 or so blocks away from it (so you can't exactly pinpoint it).

    To people that talk about using quarries to get iridium... I don't see any quarries in IC2 or GT. Relying on an unrequired mod or expected to use it in order to advance seems like a bad idea. My $0.02

    EDIT: Forgot about the IC2 miner, which would help things. Its semi-broken right now in 109 and loses half of your pipes.

    I believe at least some/most mods do a dynamic ID mapping system (That or forge attempts this). They search for an unused ID and then assign themselves that ID (and put it in their config file for future reference). From my 2-3 months of using mods and my programming experience these are my guesses as to why there's a difference. (Thus I may be making some assumptions that are very wrong, any mod makers please correct me)

    • Mods were initially loaded in a different order than the other machine
    • The first computer had the mods loaded from previous versions which eventually upgraded. This can lead to some weirdness.

      • The new version of the mod needed a new ID (or multiple), so it then dynamically finds a free ID to use and sets it in the config file. The second computer using this later mod for the first time allocates all of the IDs in one go before the next mod loads
      • The new version of the mod removed or was able to condense IDs using metadata. The IDs may or may not be released but the other mods have already decided what ID it will use and your save games would be screwy if it tried to 'condense/reuse' the IDs. Another reason the mod may not 'release' the other IDs is because old save games will still use these IDs, which it can detect and replace them with the new ID with a metadata value. The second computer using this mod for the first time allocates only the IDs it needs to for the mod and then the next mod has a go at it (and most likely will use IDs just after the mod which were previously occupied in the first computer)

    Some examples would probably be better:
    Suppose you have 3 Mods: Alice, Bob, and Charlie
    Alice v1.0 needs 3 IDs
    Bob v0.9 needs 5 IDs
    Charlie v2.1 needs 2 IDs

    First time on the first computer you load the mods in (alphabetical) order

    • System loads Alice v1.0 for the first time and allocates IDs 400, 401, and 402
    • System loads Bob v0.9 for the first time and allocates IDs 403, 404, 405, 406, and 407
    • System loads Charlie v2.1 for the first time and allocates IDs 408, and 409

    Scenario 1: Loading mods in a different order
    You then load the mods on the second machine but not in the same order

    • System loads Alice v1.0 for the first time and allocates IDs 400, 401, and 402
    • System loads Charlie v2.1 for the first time and allocates IDs 403, and 404
    • System loads Bob v0.9 for the first time and allocates IDs 405, 406, 407, 408, and 409

    Note the disparity between IDs and Mods

    Scenario 2: Mod Updates on for first computer but you load the latest on the second machine
    Mod Alice updates to 1.1 but there's no change in how many IDs it uses
    Mod Bob updates to 1.0 and discovers metadata in blocks and now only needs 1 ID (instead of 5)
    Mod Charlie updates to v2.2 adds a new block ID for its use

    First computer updates

    • System loads Alice v1.1, no more or less IDs needed so no change, still uses 400, 401, and 402
    • System loads Bob v1.0 which now needs only 1 ID, it still uses 403, and possibly deallocates 404, 405, 406, and 407 (though unlikely because your save games would have IDs that aren't mapped to any mod)
    • System loads Charlie v2.2 which still uses 408 and 409, requests a new ID, most likely this will be 410 depending on how it decides to find a new ID and if Bob actually deallocates the IDs it was using

    Second computer uses latest mods for the first time, even in the same order

    • System loads Alice v1.1 for the first time and allocates IDs 400, 401, and 402
    • System loads Bob v1.0 for the first time and allocates IDs 403
    • System loads Charlie v2.2 for the first time and allocates IDs 404, 405 and 406