Posts by Dragonus

    Yaaaaay! You guys are awesome XD Although I guess I should expect intelligence from a forum about a mod that adds more complex features and gets more and more complex as it goes XD Thanks! I can actually start my world now LOL

    Oh no! Not the public! Please don't judge me! Kidding. Now the point lol This is almost as simple as yes or no but since I see TMI saying 1.4.6 works with 1.4.7 does that mean I should make my new mods folder for 1.4.7 with the 1.4.6 industrial craft cause it's the same or will there be a 1.4.7 Industrial craft and no I'm not asking for a release date I know that's bad and I'm MASSIVELY in love with Industrial craft so getting banned would NOT be fun lol If 1.4.6 doesn't work with 1.4.7 then I'm asking if a 1.4.7 Industrial craft is planned at all lol Cause I just got my computer back (I lost a world with 9566 EU/tick generation and a Quantumchest [Shout out to Greg! XD] that was holding 8,500 UU-matter! NOOOO!!!!) and am excited to start another world and mass produce fireworks! I make the world a better...nah. Make myself a LOT of fireworks. This being the 5th incredibly complex and completely legit world I've made on minecraft with Industrial craft I hope I know it pretty well XD I would brag but I have no proof of anything since I lost the others LOL But also if anyone wants to talk about ANYTHING Industrial craft I'd love to XD