Ok, Linus pushed NEI support, latest build works w/ nei
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Ok, Linus pushed NEI support, latest build works w/ nei
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You have many mods. I have no words...
My IV system is not even close to being optimized to handle SUCH a ton of recipes...
Are there mods that add many recipes but not add much content (mods like forge multipart, RP, etc.)? I think that might probably be what's happening.
It iterates through all the recipes MANY times, which is negligible in most cases, except for the one I specified.
Also, just a note:
Code2013-10-25 21:13:18 [INFO] [LevelStorage] ItemStack: tile.cloth_0.name, value: 24 2013-10-25 21:13:18 [INFO] [LevelStorage] ItemStack: Vacuum Cleaner, value: 832 2013-10-25 21:13:18 [INFO] [LevelStorage] ItemStack: Cannon, value: 1280
I don't know how the heck Vacuum Cleaner happened to have 832 IV, but at least you can get 9 Vacuum Cleaners for 1 diamond!
No thats not the issue. What it spends time on is this:
2013-10-25 21:08:27 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
2013-10-25 21:08:27 [WARNING] [LevelStorage] Exception getting AdvRecipe list.
2013-10-25 21:08:27 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
2013-10-25 21:08:27 [WARNING] [LevelStorage] Exception getting AdvRecipe list.
LevelStorage 1.0.4rc1 has significantly increased launch time with NPEs all over regarding getting LS's Adv. recipe/XP stuff. Its almost as horrible as Greg's Ore dict search. Making my pack loading twice as long. :I
Is the most recent level storage rc for IC2_Exp compatible with IC2_Exp 232+?
Good Reactor DEsigns for Ender Reactor?
Actually I've already uploaded some devbuilds for IC2_exp. List through pages of this thread.
EDIT: right here [Addon v1.118 for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v0.9 - Adding a ton of End-Game targets & Level-Up-ing max tier of IC2
Thanks Man!, Really appreciate it!
As SpwnX indicated, the API for the energy net is not done yet. My time is very limited at the moment but I'll see about doing a straight update to support an experimental build. No promises when this might happen.
Awesome! I look forward to it
The previous update has pretty much fixed WPS [i did some minimal testing with it, it behaved rather well]. My current problem is the following:
[IC2 API] injectEnergyUnits() ignores the return value.
If Player/any IC dev fixes it, i'll work hard and maybe during day or two fix all the other problems.
Wait so it works with IC2_Exp? :DDDDD (I know that without a update it, IC2_Exp energynet will crash with Ic2_lf machines.)
Any ETA on an IC2_exp compatible update? I'm really desperately in need of Wireless Power Synchronizer.
I won't be updating APM to work with the experimental branch until the API and energy network changes the IC2 devs have planned have been finalized and things are more stable. Until then, it doesn't make much sense to try to adapt to a changing landscape.
Give it some time for their planned changes to work themselves out and the IC2 devs to finalize on a standard for the new energy net and API calls.
The Energy API has pretty much been finalized at this point. They are just adding more machines at this point. So again, I would like an APM release for IC2_EXP as you are one of the two remaining mod devs I'm waiting for. The other is Frogcraft, and the author has agreed to update to IC2_exp as well. (Just look at the last page of the forum post). Your mod being more important now that GT's Charge-o-mat has been deprecated and there being no other alternative.
Update to IC2_Experimental?
Hi, I need the 1.5.2 version of this mod. I am not ready for 1.6.2 yet as a lot of mods are still updating.
IC2's energynet changed again... .http://paste.ubuntu.com/5861847/
Hi all need some Feedback for V2.
ifi will upload to the FTB System for General Update
I have a slight bug with the Area Defense station. When I upgraded, the Area Defense station began killing me upon almost every login. After respawn however, I'm allowed inside my house to collect the items. I'm not sure why, but for now its turned off. Any ideas?
But besides the bug, I love the redesigned blocks. They look awesome. And I'm sure the infinite charge card will help admins to keep their servers safe. Or give RichardG another way to prank users. (Yes, I'm well aware you can't craft it, but RG will find a way to get it.)
But just one thing I don't get. The new Control System. How does one use it
Eveyrthing is the latest version. This problem continues to exist.
I've been crashing whenever I updated Miscperipherals to 2.1 from 2.0b. I contacted RichardG about it. He told me to contact you as the GregTech mod appears to modify the uranium class somehow? Rendering it null? Here is my crash log -> http://pastebin.com/bCjheNgY.
Here is the quote from RG ->
<RichardG> JZTech101: i had a look at the code
<RichardG> appears uranium is null
<RichardG> i blame gregtech because gregtech overrides uranium