Posts by Tt77779

    Hi! I'm currently building and automated nuclear fusion plant, and I am having a great time with this mod. However; I think that there are several different ways to expand on it and make it better (more complicated!).

    Currently, nuclear fission is more complex, with the danger of it exploding if not done right. With the fusion reactor, you are dealing with much more energy, so perhaps add some danger? (really big boom!?!) Also, a new optional addon to the reactor,

    Positron Collector! (requires energy to maintain magnetic storage, else another boom?) in Hydrogen - Hydrogen reactions (please add!), deuterium is made and a positron (from the proton) is emitted to make the neutron. Also, in Tritium - Deuterium reactions, there is an extra neutron that flies off, which decays into a proton and electron . So instead of an empty cell, have a Hydrogen cell.

    Next: Antimatter reactor!!! Positrons syphoned into this with electricity (Which is made of electrons) to make lots of energy, along with a magnetic containment for antimatter requiring energy. No products, except energy.

    Next, an advanced fusion reactor, crafted with a regular fusion reacter, irridium reinforced stone, 2 gamma ray sheilds, and 2 positron collectors. Also has two fusion coil loops, one going over/under it and another going around it. (Maybe advanced coils?) This reactor would use the Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen Cycle (CNO) that has six steps. Basicly: 1 carbon + 4 hydrogen = 1 carbon, 1 helium, 2 positrons, lots of energy and 3 gamma rays. The other reactions it could do is helium + helium = beryllium and gamma ray with energy, and beryllium + helium = carbon and gamma ray with energy. Lastly, it could do Hydrogen + Deuterium = helium-3 and a gamma ray with energy.

    Lastly, a controlled decay generator. Put in unstable elements, the generator speeds up decay process, produces energy along with a product. Example: Tritium + 1 EU/tick + 1 min = helium and a tiny bit of energy. 3 different modes: No energy, long wait, largest energy gain. Half the energy the decay produces is used, medium wait, some energy gain. All energy decay produces and extra, short wait, and loss of energy.

    Thanks, Tt77779.