Posts by Whist34

    Will you please make a Wiki page that lists all the keybinds added by IndustrialCraft2 and describes what they do?

    I think it would be better to have keybinds listed in the config file, but having a single page to figure out what each one is and does would be very helpful.
    Yes, I know they are listed in the MC controls menu, but there is nothing to explain what they are or what they actually do. It took me about 20 mins to figure out what mod installed them.

    Here are the ones I have tracked down so far:
    Boost Key: Quantum Boots (sprint) (The config has a vague reference to this, it allows you to enable via sprint key, but I do not know if that frees up the keybind.)
    Mode Switch Key: Mining Laser modes (Thank you Google!)

    One I have no idea about:
    Side Inventory Key: Not sure what mod this comes from, I am going to assume it is from IC2 (Only because I found a question about it on these forums, but no one answered it.)

    Thank you for any helpful feedback =)