Posts by chaoschamp

    regiki: now how do i use this power? lets do random stuff and see what happens

    *a beam of air element comes out regiki*

    regiki: that was intresting...dam but this area has hardly any vis. i know. ill take the extra vis thats causing taint from minecraftia and spread it out.

    chronos: am about to seal the taints essence within now.

    *a bright light flashs from chronos hand and a unusual tattoo appears on X-360*

    X-360: i dont feel an different...

    chronos: you wont at first. you need to master this new power. YOU WILL NEED VIS OR SOME ENGERY THAT CAN CONVERTED TO VIS TO BE ABLE TO USE OUR POWER!!!! dont forgot that.


    chronos: and also dont go back on our deal

    X-360: i wont.

    chronos: then i will transport you back to minecraftia

    X-360: oh dont call me X-360 anymore. X-360 died and regiki was reborn as a lord.

    chronos: now go...

    *regiki's body slowly fades away and appears just outside minecraftia*

    A.I.D.E.N.: Large amount of taint has appeared just above the atmosphere!!!!!!!

    chronos: your training is over...... prepare. this may hurt a little

    *chronos opens a rip in space where a taint starts fly out and hit X-360*

    chronos: you need to counter is power with yours. think about your real life before you became part of the millatry. what was your name?

    Tainted X-360: WE ARE THE TAINT, WE SHALL RISE!!!! noo...

    X-360: .......... ahhhhh m...y name ... was regi.... re..regiki

    I'll tell you right now, he won't. I even went to his kongregate and ever since I talked to him about industrial craft forums, he never logged back into kongregate ever again... By the way, if anyone wants to take a crack at updating advgenerators I do have a github that has all that fancy stuff... It even has the source code for F4113N-C0RE! :D

    he seems to dispear every time somebody finds him and talks about ic2

    X-360: W-what what!!!!

    chronos: do you want to know more about him?

    X-360: ok then... it will pass the time while i train.

    chronos: in simple terms, he is two-minded psychopath that only wanted POWER. that may seem odd but i must tell you his story. 1,000 years ago the humans and the endermen where at war. chaos's mother was a endermen and his farther was human. these two did not believe in war. they had a son who died, he died from the ender genes and humans genes did not mix well. they had a second child, chaos. he survived. i will tell you more later...

    *X-360 training*

    X-360: why did you not have a lord of inbalence before....

    chronos: we, did but he died because how much power he had. even i the lord of time could not match him.

    X-360: who is he?

    chronos: you will have met him. he called himself.....


    ????: the reason am teaching you to control taint not to destroy it is because taint can never be stopped also i need a lord of in-balance. OH... hey i forgot to tell you who i am. i am the lord of time, chronos. theres the other lords but you shall meet them later. ok time for training. we need to first control ether to understand taint. focus and channel the energy into you. try to imagine you can see the energy.

    X-360: got it!

    X-360: limbo... that place between life and death. oh yeah

    ????: you cant stay in limbo forever. eventually you will fun out of ether energy and simply vanish into dust.

    X-360: well what do i do then?

    ????: wait until you turn to dust. OH! i know. ill strike you a deal. the damage on your universe had an effect on mine plus the spambot are trying to find a way of destroying this place. some have got here using unknown methods like you but they are not living. if you help me and my pocket universe ill help you return to your universe and save minecraftia.

    X-360: mmm.... DEAL!

    ????: One more thing, well two more actually. dont let the spambot take this knowledge and you now belong the argotha not minecraftia now so you will never fell what it is to be alive anymore.

    X-360: if it takes that to save everybody then i will agree.

    ????: as i said ether energy can manipulate other energys but if you use this power too much you will rip yourself apart but i dont think that will happen because you are metaphoric creature so you probaly have more understanding over control. ONE thing is at the end of the training i will take your power away and expose you to taint. this should make able to feel its power and control it. you will notice your appearance will change

    X-360: maybe i did not die? maybe i went into cormma and now this is just some dream but everything feels so real...

    *X-360 touchs a exotic flower then notices a shady person walking towards him*

    X-360: Hello

    ????: Hello.... Wait what. How do you speak?

    X-360: What are you on about?

    ????: souls cant talk! mmmm.....

    X-360: this must be a dream because some mad religious dude talking about souls

    ????: well souls are real. ether energy flows through everything, it connects everything. some things have more ether energy than others. When a living being dies its ether energy gets left behind and pulled into this pocket universe. i put a barrier up to stop everything but ether energy coming in and out BUT some how you enter with physical body and mind plus you have a ton of ether energy flowing within you and another odd thing is your dead but alive. you must be stuck in limbo.

    X-360: trace the echo

    Suite: .... Done! source found: Everywhere

    X-360: this place seems to boost amp on frequency transmission which causes it echo but now i did to find out where in the hell am i. Scan Energy signatures and UGPD

    Suite: Energy Type: ethereal. Energy location: Everywhere. UGPD location: UNKNOWN

    X-360: i cant warp that far from earth to a place off the grid with just a suite plus it dosernt seem where i am rotates because the sun has not moved.AHH! maybe if i scan which sun it is. maybe thats on the grid.

    Suite: ERROR.... sun not dedicated. Molten Magma Core dedicated

    X-360: Where am.. i... i thought i died!!!!

    *brushs him self*

    X-360: open secure transmission!!!!

    *Start Transmission*

    X-360: Blaster Come in!!!!

    Echo: Blaster Come in!!!! Blaster Come in!!!! Blaster Come in!!!! Blaster Come in!!!! Blaster Co...mkwjo

    X-360: Wasmic are you there...

    Echo: Wasmic are you there.... Wasmic are you there....

    *End Transmission*

    X-360: Scan for life signs!!!

    Suite: None detected!

    X-360: Scan me!!!

    Suite: No life signs detected!