Posts by chaoschamp

    you relise we are traveling in lava to the earths core

    X-360 A Blaster: AHHHHH

    X-360: what was that?

    Blaster: console show pressure on the ship

    X-360: the pressure will increase the further we go down

    Blaster:hopefully we dont get crushed

    X-360: dont sweat it. get it. dont "sweat" as in hot


    X-360: console show level

    Blaster: looks like we nearly at bedrock

    X-360: shut down all nav systems and coms. put all power to thrusters and shields

    X-360: armor coolers ON. oh crap blaster, blaster

    Blaster: what

    X-360: there's a real big ship outside plus more kitchen class's are coming and a sensing a orbital packet spammer lazer

    Blaster: not good at all, hopefully the shields hold up

    X-360: what ever will happen it cant be good plus if we dont know what they going do....

    spambot leader: send the philosophers stone to the planets core.i will bring the nether star.

    spambot: ...SSSS...yes sir

    spambot leader: also bring a anything you to sacrifice

    X-360: is it best that i leave so soon i can help you guys out. i know ill keep listening in on the radio

    Blaster: maybe... ok then. it would help allot

    X-360: yes sir.

    * X-360 starts turning the frequency nob on the dial*

    X-360:there we have a clear chat line.

    spambot: sending data packet now..... sent!!! nether star intel

    X-360: Blaster i came here in a spambot ship. if we take look it might help us with the shield problem.

    Blaster: i still need to take you to the others but good idea. ill take a look before i leave

    X-360: right.... one thing though. its gotten so different since chaos and Arceus disappeared plus how do you know the time jump is stable or where they will travel to

    X-360:aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is all ways me whos crashing.

    *X-360 crash's 1 mile from the tower*

    X-360: no damage to my armor or me but the ship is worse for wear. i better get to HQ

    *X-360 enters the tower*

    X-360: mmmm... maybe a could make a boat with the ship parts! or wait.... theres a spambot fighter jet in the sand.

    *X-360 starts to dig the ship out*

    X-360: all done now i need swap the spambot control panel with the one from the ship.... arrr... there we go. oh theres an me disc drive here too better keep it.

    *X-360 gets in the ship and looks at the fuel guage*

    X-360: maybe enough.... or well this wont be the first ship i crash. 1 2 3 goo!!!

    *X-360 wakes up*

    X-360:wha... t what where am i? BLASTER!!!! BLASTER!!!!!

    *X-60 feels the back of his head*

    X-360:looks like i was knocked out and seems my armor went into lock down to save but used up most of my power. i might still be able to contact somebody


    X-360:...... he..lp am.. some..whe..e

    X-360: so where abouts is this ship......

    *this clouds suddenly separate and huge fireballs fly everywhere*

    A-20: there

    Blaster: spambot closing in at 9 o'clock

    A-20: got it

    *the ship doges the spambot but a huge light appears in the sky*

    X-360: whats a spmabot plantary annihilation cruiser doing here.


    A-20: We hit!!!!!

    Blaster: Brace yourselfs

    X-360: we heading straight for the hanger of the veil of daybreak ....

    A-20: i cant do anything. dam machines. it wont slow down

    *the ships crashes and slides into the hanger *

    X-360: A-20 and blaster do you read. the smoke it too thick to see

    Blaster: copy that

    X-360: A-20 do you copy.... A-20!!!!!!!

    *the smokes clears*

    Blaster: oh go...

    X-360: theres nothing we can do ....

    *A-20's body lies in a pool of blood*

    X-360: we to carry on and find executie bolts plus we need to find a way off. the ships are all broken here.

    Blaster: it seems we are on deck 3

    X-360: check the door to deck 4

    Blaster: theres plasma leaking everywhere

    X-360: what about the passage to the bridge

    Blaster: locked

    X-360: dam check the emergency shaft.

    Blaster: thats ok

    X-360: lets go then

    X-360: yours of course. its a LOOOOONNNGGG story how i got the ship.

    *X-360 looks at the broken spambots in the ship*

    X-360: well i was only trying to hijack it but i did not know how to fly it and i accidentally destroyed the reactors in it so the engines stopped and so i "landed" but one thing is that the spambots seem desperate they are trying different models out like fusions and such.
    i found intel on the philosophers stone and 1 spambot was using one. the intel i found was on a old broken Admin ark ship. it looked like the spambots hacked it but the weird part was the file name had your name in it plus it was on about fusing humans with the philosophers stone to make a homunculus that had special powers.

    X-360: right then lets how to control this spambot ship. mmm...

    *X-360 press's a large button and the ship starts to fall*

    Computer: Reactor destroyed
    Engine off
    Everything else ok
    X-360:this thing is hard to steer..... oh crap

    *X-360 starts to run up the ship and jumps off and uses his jetpack*

    Blaster: What the hell is that falling out of the sky

    X- 360:Coming down

    *X-360 lands on blaster*

    X-360: sos about that

    *the ship crash's next to them *

    X-360: arrrr....

    *X-360 grapples onto the spambot ship while dodging spambot bullets*

    X-360: take this. gravi-boots active!

    *X-360 runs up the ship killing the spambots*

    X-360: cant stop me now

    *X-360 doges a bullet in a matrix style slow mo*

    X-360: gravi-boots deactive! anti-gravi On!

    *X-360 starts to float mid air*

    X-360: this is fun

    spambot fusion: not... not for LONGGGGG long!!!

    X-360: well a new crappy model so come at me

    *the spambot fusion runs into the ship at blows a hole into it*

    X-360: that was too easy...

    spambot fusion: ahhhhhhhhh NOW now AM MADDDDDDDDDD!!!!

    X-360: not mad for long though

    *X-360 grabs the bots head and shoots the intel spamcore i3*

    X-360: they really need to rethink there battle plans

    *X-360 enters the crack in the ship*

    X-360: theres no air pressure from the hole the spambot made. gravi-boots on! anti-gravi off!

    X-360: jetpack on! hey soldier up there what doing helping the spambots

    soldier: spam spam spam

    X-360: what the hell

    *the soldier changes into a spambot*

    X-360: is that supposed to happen?

    spambot: spammmmmmmm!!!!!!!

    X-360: ouch what is this thing made out

    *spambot keeps changing material*

    X-360: mmm.... how is it doing that

    spambot: philosophers stoneeee!!!!!

    X-360:dam it! this is the one that probably found out about the intel. if so wheres the weak point? ahhhhh let my guard down

    *kicks the spam bot as it was transmuting itself*


    *punchs through the crack he made and rips the stone out*

    spambot: SHUTTING DOWN.....

    *the spambots body falls to the ground*

    X-360: right then time to destroy the rest