Do you even lift? http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…5whvdzluix9mpkvo4lkg9ihvk
Posts by TruculentMC
I posted a better single-cell Thorium design already, http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…n2als6el2agl1p0zuf1gigo3k
I was curious what a thorium reactor that didn't spend copper on quad cells would look like, and came up with this:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…8dmqhp45q6gjgq9tg4gknp4w0And here's one that uses...
16 iridium reflectors...
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…aat7mun4vuk613gh60hcooc8w -
I meant to add, cheap & single single-cell Thorium reactor, my mistake. It's a good design though!Technically this is more thorium in a single-chamber reactor, but I did use 3 quad-cells and a single cell. It produces 58 EU/t with an efficiency of 4.46
BTW how many single-cell Thorium can we fit into a 6 chamber reactor? I was able to get 29, which makes 124 EU/t and 4.24 eff., good and cheap reactor too. I couldn't figure out how to put any more, but just 1 more cell would make a neat 128 EU/t reactor...
but I don't see any way to get the cooling needed to make a Mark 1 reactor.
I'm building these to use the output of a Blaze farm... turning the Blaze Rod into Thorium Cell.
If you want to cram as much thorium as you can in a single chamber... http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ukikvmbu26hc2tsrnapk9ep6o
Thanks for the reply, I will try to log a bug / feature request with Forge team then about the Enchanting book, I suspect they can fix it even if it is not their bug originally. And I will ask CovertJaguar about an option to disallow Scrap in the Boiler.
Also, I searched through the configs again and didn't see anything related to the Anvil recipe, am I going blind?
I want to keep the iron block recipe requiring use of the Compressor, but have some way to craft the Anvil, in the early game before we might have a Compressor. Does that make sense?
I had forgotten about the trick with Geothermal + Pump, good reminder. I already upgraded to Thermal Generator though, it's much nicer anyways.
And yes, I already avoid BC pipes unless it's impossible otherwise! -
GregoriusT first, thank you for this mod, it has breathed new life into Minecraft for me. One bugreport, you may want to block enchantment from books being placed on your Rockcutter via the Anvil (also they can go on the IC2 tools as well).
Speaking of the anvil, is it possible to get an alternate recipe that doesn't require the compressor for Iron Block, when that storageblock recipe is enabled? The anvil is a rather lowtech item, I don't know if it makes sense to require the Compressor to make one.
About the Steam Turbine, I think there's not much use for it, when we can instead melt free cobblestone in the Magma Crucible to fuel GregTech Thermal Generator, and generate similar EU without costing any steel. The initial setup is more resource intensive but will quickly catch up by not having to replace the rotors.Finally: Any thoughts on Scrap being too OP when used as fuel for Railcraft Boilers? 1 Scrap is generated for 256 EU each and turns in to 3182 MJ worth of steam from the Boiler... 12 Recyclers with 1 Overclocker each are enough to keep a hot 36HP Boiler. I'm not sure how Scrap is getting it's heatvalue, I guess this is maybe just vanilla-IC2 and perhaps a better question to ask of CovertJaguar but thought I'd pose it here.
Thank you Thunderdark for that info
I have a question, I searched & didn't see an answer to it already -- Is it not possible to automatically insert/extract Compact Forcicium Cell from the charging slot of a Force Energy Extractor (2nd slot)? I have tried with various Redpower/Buildcraft/LogisticPipe methods of pulling inventory, but I can only seem to get them into the charging slot (1st slot).