Posts by BallisticBuddha

    Okay, so, good news.

    I did an update to my custom modpack for my server on friday that included updates to a handfull of mods, the most relevant to this issue being:
    Forge: Updated to 6.6.0 build 497
    IC2: Updated to 1.112.192-lf
    APM: Updated to that testing version you recently posted in this thread.

    And none of our benches have lost charge! Neither have they been eating items, so the issue seems to be fixed :D So thanks for that.

    I don't know what exactly fixed the issue, but something in that update did.

    However, I have noticed a lot of new issues since the update. For one, chunks are loading much slower than before (probably not the fault of APM), and I have been experiencing some pretty severe lockups (the server locks up to a point where it won't even respond to a SIGINT, and I have to send a SIGKILL to actually stop it). Again, I'm not sure if it is APM causing these issues because I am not getting any error logs at the time of these crashes.

    So, I've been thinking of running a test version of my server with just APM downgraded to the released version and see if the problem comes back.

    Okay, so I haven't tested out the battery station or storage monitors yet, but I can do that later today, and might also collect my configs and world directory to send out for debugging.

    Also, my server has been having quite a few issues with crashing lately, and these bench resets seem to coincide with those. However, If i do a clean server reset (by successfully entering a stop), the benches don't seem to reset, it's only when it crashes.

    I don't always get a crash report, as it doesn't always "crash gracefully". Sometimes the process just locks up, and I have to send a SIGINT to stop the process. However, sometimes it does crash with a report, so here is my latest crash report, which also contains a list of mods I'm running:

    Edit: I have also started to test this area out with a chunkloader (from ChickenChunks) that will keep all of the chunks that contains my entire energy network to power my bench loaded, and the issue still seems to happen. I even detached my bench from any power cabling at all, and just placed an RE battery in it, and it is still disappearing. However, the bench was still in a chunk that has a lot of other machines in it, including an MFSU that doesn't seem to get drained, and a bunch of chests that aren't losing their inventory.

    First of all, thanks to the two of you for looking into the issue, as its a pretty frustrating bug. Also, thanks for the link to the Jenkins repo, I didn't even know that was made public.

    So, Some version information:
    I was running build 170 when I first saw the issue, and have since upgraded to 188. However, I am unfortunately still seeing my HV bench getting drained. It was going good for about 4 hours after updating and placing a bench, It even managed to keep charge when I checked it this morning (around 4 hours after placing it) with the server being empty when I joined, so that chunk was definitely unloaded, however, when I came home from work this evening I logged on to check the bench and it was completely discharged (0 EU stored). It was wired so it was only charging during the day (connected to solar panels in a desert biome, which were connected to an MFSU that only emits power when it's full) and it was night when I logged in, so the reset must have happened right when I logged in.

    I am using Forge with MC 1.4.7

    Also, I would like to mention that one of my other users has reported that not only was his LV bench drained, but he actually lost all of his items that he left in there as well. I tested this later by leaving an RE Battery in my bench for a while, and sure enough eventually it was gone.

    I've been experiencing some issues with all three of the charging benches. They seem to work fine for a while when users are in the vicinity of the bench and its power source, but once they leave the area and come back later, the bench appears to have completely lost its charge and it will continue to pull more energy from the connected storage unit. Since this error doesn't actually crash the server ans appears to happen over a long period of time, its hard to pinpoint what errors in the console are related to this, especially because ic2 tends to spam the server console quite a bit whenever chunks with machines in them are unloaded. I am running the most recent version of APM with IC2 1.112 beta. I can post more information such as segments of the server log if needed, but I just wanted to throw it out there that the charging benches seem to be mysteriously loosing their charge, and also wanted to know if anyone else has been having this issue.