Posts by Smokingman

    I don't know if this is a bug or a known issue, so I figured I would try here first. I am running a SMP server for a few friends and I have built a basic reactor, but when I start it nothing happens. Or at least no power is coming out. The uranium is being consumed and heat seems to be generated, but no power.

    I assumed I wired something wrong but I couldn't find any errors so I copied down the world locally and everything worked fine. Is there something that prevents it from running in SMP? The reactor does seem to be right on a chunk boundary. Could this be the problem?

    This is Minecraft 1.4.6 and here are the mods I have loaded:

    • FML -
    • Forge
    • Buildcraft - 3.3.0
    • IndustrialCraft 2 - 1.112.170
    • Railcraft -

    Thanks in advance!