Hi everyone!
For a long time NP wasn't updated, but this is due to the fact that we got a lot of innovations.
Such as reactors with water-cooling, mulitblock structures , realistic gas-pipe system, and much more.
Short changelog:
Reactor with water-cooling( MultiBlock )
Cooling tower
Turbine( MultibBlock )
Pipes for gas( while in fact only for the pair (yet!) )
Components for water reactor
Description of items( popup when cursor above item )
In addition was introduced Forge OreDictionary support and support of GT.
Old uranium cell now can be made only if the GT exactly how.
For crafts use NEI or CraftGuide.
MultiBlock recipes see at main post.
PS:The delay between turning on/off the reactor IS 30 SECONDS
Posts by Dimach
NuclearPower - mod, that changes the way nuclear reactors work. Completely!
It adds a lot of new "nuclear staff" to the game, adds a possibility to monitor element's heat level an much more...Ores
Changes start with te basic thing - ore generaton. "Uranium Ore" form IC2 won't be generated in the world (but old uranium ores will save). So, it adds two ores - Uranium ore & Curium ore. The top one is the Uranium Ore, the bottom one - Quirium:
But, until you get special mechanism, you can't process it...
Also, you won't be able to craft vanilla IC2 cells and uranium ingots, it's a problem. But - ignore it
After mining new ores you should use IC2 Macerator to process dust... Then you'll need an Isotope Separator:
(top block - IC2 Magnetiser)
But the centrifugal force is not enough to separate isotopes. We'll need an ionexchanging resin:
Let's discuss the GUI:
1 - Material slot
2 - Slot for the ionexchanging dust
3 - Ionexchanging resins's quantity indicator
4 - RPM indicator
5 - Energy charge indicator
6 - Product slots
7 - Ready indicator
But before we can start, the rotor of the separator should accelerate. The rotor should have at least 3200 RPM. But after the rotor reaches 6400 RPM, the separator starts to work faster. After it reaches the MAX speed 12800, the separator will work 10 times faster!
Moreover, the faster the rotor goes, a machine will start saving your energy: the amount of energy that machine consumes, is calculated using this function - I = 128 - RPM / 100 (I - power, that machine will consume. RPM - rotation speed). If you don't want your separator to loose RPM - ypu can apply a redstone signal to it (like an Induction Furnace).
Ores will process like that:
Processing parameters:
Time - 20000 seconds (at 1 RPM)
Power - 32 eu/t
Ionexchanging dust needed - 2 item
All isotopes, that the separator will produce, you can process in the furnace:
Now, when we have nuclear isotopes, we can start blowing up our world . But stop, where should we place it? Let's craft an Empty Nuclear Fuel Cell
So, to place it in the nuclear reactor, you'll need this:
Consumes Tier 1 Electricity. To work non-stop, it will need 8 eu/t
1 - Empty Fuel Cell Slot
2 - Power Indicator
3 - Slot for Isotopes
4 - Output Slot
5 - Ready Indicator
Using this machine, you can create a lot of combinations. After processing, your Fuel Cell is ready to be placed to the nuclear reactor.
Isotope Parameters ( energy/heat/lifetime/neutron activity/leaves after death )
Radium: 5/4/1000/1/nothing
Thorium: 1/1/50000/1/Radium
Uranium: 25/24/25000/1/Thorium
Plutonium: 50/49/100000/2/ Uranium
Curium: 100/99/250000/4/ Plutonium
Neutron activity means how many deplation points will recieve neigbour deplated cell AND how many active neighbours this cell will be deemed.
After this machine will finish its work, you should receive SNF, that you can sparate in isotope separator.
The original mechanic of deplation was COMPLETELY changed. To deplate isotopes you will need a special fuel cell:
If you put it to the right slot in assembler and fill 4 slots with the right isotopes, you can receive unDeplated fuel cell. You will need to put it in your heated reactor, but every "bonuse" neutron impulse will NOT impulse at 3000 hull heat, but at 5000 (really hot, right?).
After deplation finishes, you'll get enriched cell, that you'll be able to separate.
Enrichment parameters( raw/impulses/result
Coal dust/1000/Radioactive coal
You can't enrich Radium, you a only able to but it back to the nucreal reactor.
New cooling components:
Upgraded reactor fan, -25 hull heat every tick.
Upgraded reactor heat exchanger, it has heat exchange with reactors and neighbours: 48 hp/s
That's your upgraded component vent, it cools it's neighbours by 12 hp/s
And for enriching chambers we have... Advanced Reactor Plating, it increases max hull heat by 5000 and reduces negative effects by 0.5
In the race for the cheapening of the reactor working on heat condencers, our engineers came up to use coal, BUT there was some negative effects: If the condencer will be heated up to 75%, there is a plobability, that it will explode and give you radioactice coal dust Can keep up to 100000 hp
If you want to reduce the amount of heat, that one cell is producing - you can use our inhibitors. It will reduce the amount of heat/energy and increase the time, that isotope will work.
The opposite thing - catalisator.
Improved coal condencer - it won't explode anymore!
But the most perfect in the series of heat capacitors is the universal condenser.
But for the most powerful rectors created a revolutionary complex cooling system dubbed thermal bus.
The essence of this system is the following: any component connected to the bus can pass through it, an unlimited amount of heat to other components. Crafting the tire:
Modules for your heat bus:
Saving Module - recieves and keeps heat. Heat Capacity - 12000 hp
Cooler Module - can keep energy and cool itself by 54 hp/s, heat capacity - 3000
Condenser Module - just a regular universal condenser that works with the heat bus
Heat Exchanging Module - receives 72 hp/s from components, 36 hp/s from hull and tries to transfer heat to the output modules.Multi block structures
Realistic system:
How to build:
Reactor with water-cooling:
Remember! The delay between turning on/off the reactor IS 30 SECONDS!
Gas turbine:P.S. Use NEI recipies, becaus recipies will change