I am still banned! And playing Text-based browsergames. Not using Internet Assplorer of course. It sucks! Seriously, even the Steam Overlay Browser is better! And that is just a Steam Overlay Browser!
Posts by SirusKing
Thing is, people wouldn't know this is a research system but would google "IC² wiki" instead. Oh wait, they wouldn't find anything ... :p
You know what would be a cool research system ? A research system with differential equations and matrix!
But some people don't like math >.>Also, The IC2 wiki is being updated
Thing is, where did you get your information from? Surely you can't of just randomly thrown things together in the crafting table. Besides, it isn't researching the RECIPES, it is researching how they work so you can put them to use (ie, learning how combustion and current induction works so you can make stuff like a generator. The more indepth you research into it the more stuff you can figure out how to make, ie, research more into current induction and you might figure out how to make a tesla coil)
You were looking forward to Ad Astra right? #Kappa -
The only research system I would like involved you actually DOING things in the world (unlike TC4 where you just sit in a GUI doing the same puzzle over and over again), usually stuff you would normally experiment with (hmm, Im going to use iron instead of copper to transfer electricity, wait, why is the iron melting and the copper no- OMFG I JUST DISCOVERED RESISTANCE) although it would likely be hard to code. Personally I think it should be per gameworld, not player, but whatever.
@Above It isn't research if you know it all completely all ready ;P
Put a memory crystal in the bottom right slot of the GUI to put it into the crystal and encode it, then put the crystal in the other machine and decode it.
1. We know >.>
5. Tough >:D
6. Intentional, not a bug.
7. You are meant to go blind in high light levels :p
9. Temporarily you can get iridium ore in dungeons in small amounts, so you can replicate it. -
Which, even if outdated, is still possible, due to the availability of outdated versions of GregTech and IC2.
For one cycle, you need 29429.632 buckets of uu matter.
Yeah, those types of designs are dead for sure now. -
Greg should add a recipe in the centrifuge for 32 eggs = 1 methane cell + 2 sulphur dust
What is the recipe now? Greg said they needed more silver?
Of course, but at least it is happening. Thank you very much ;p
wikiupdatetime<3Also, greg, you need to fix your energy crystal dust now, since it now requires 36 ruby dust
Also, why did you do that? It just makes it "more tedius" as others said -
happy fuckin new years ya fucks
you dont tend to break things you that you need on purpose
Greg, does your country have a german version of our "gridwatch" site?
http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ -
Dont you have those in Brazil?
I, for certain, do not use BC, But I think most of us still use Railcraft, and some still use forestry.
If you want my super hardcore pack then sure, but it takes a whole ton of time you dont seem to have -
House in starbound <3 -
It should take from energypacks.. Odd, Back in 1.5 it took from lappacks for me