Blocks – (only 1)
Central Hub – replaces player bed – can be used anytime – stores items ALA auto craft table to integrate over time into steve.
Upon death steve is re-synthesized vs respawned
Utilized to recharge necessary “meters”
Must be “fueled” EU ticks/storage dependent upon upgrades, Utilize existing upgrade system.
Question 1 _ inclusion of Build craft sources? MJ, lava direct, fuel? - if so does the ensuing tech tree require specialization in BC tech?
Steve’ evolution
1. Initialization -
Must construct hub – should be able to construct hub with tier 1 machines – minimum power of 8 EU
First time entering HUB Hunger bar turns to energy meter (dependent upon which track you take BC or IC)
Question 1_ this may rule out traditional food for MInecraft and make farming ect pointless. Negating a large section of ‘the game” is that ok?
Question 2_ is there an alternative usage for food stuffs, IE organic fuel? Processing large herds of stock for energy (pretty gruesome!!) Incorporating leather into the cyborg process?
Energy meter depletes dependent upon activity level and availability of energy sources.
Batpack, LAP pack ect used to recharge energy meter. Further in evolution cycle direct sunlight…and much further ANY light recharges energy level.
Question 1_ will steve recharge when near unmind Uranium or other types of energy sources?
Question 2_how do you carry lava,fuel ect around for BC refueling?
After initial evolving Steve “discharges” 1 EU _TBD amount of time_ this amount is modified in upcoming tech tree dependant upon progress in tree.
Upon initial evolution Steve acquires (as of now) 3 distinct tech trees –
Physical (universal), Digital (too tier 3), Mechanical (too tier 3)
2. Individualization
Here is were true evolution and selection begins.
A process of growth begins which is dependant upon _undefined_ which allocates points to be spent in the tech tree.
Physical – seeing as you have embraced digital/mechanical augmentation your physical nature changes.
Can allocate points to legs (run, jump, fall)
Can allocate points to arms (fight, mine, chop)
Can allocate points to eyes (night vision, distance, resource detection)
Digital – with a focus on the “cleaner” energies you are a master of all things electrical.
Can discharge electricity to fend off fiends
Can recharge any devices in inventory
Can put up “shields” which absorb portions of attacks
Mechanical – your embrace of moving parts and liquid energy compels you!
Utilize fossil fuels as energy sources
Can produce a burning sludge which dissolves certain blocks/damage mobs
Can become immune to the adverse effects of environmental fluids (lava, water…drowning)
Mechanical and Digital paths must be focused on (ie the other closes down) as that is life. YOU BECOME what you make of yourself…and you have to make tough choices.
IF you allow your energy meter to run down your ability to engage deteriorates.