Posts by Wouto1997

    Perhaps you could give the player the itemstack in that method, which basically does the same, but since it might be possible that in that function the itemstack isn't related to the player anymore ( already aten ) it might be possible that this way it might actually give it to the player

    Fixed link, also I just noticed in the injectEnergy method, I've got it checking if the side isn't up, then add... I just changed this to:

    if (directionFrom.equals(Direction.YM))

    since I only want power from bottom

    Hey people,

    I've worked on an addon for IC2, and I've put it on my server, and it appeared to be working correctly, though now there's a problem when someone places my block, it will draw power from attached cables / generators, though,
    when my friend had a generator below it, which was fully filled with EU, and my block had consumed some EU, it wouldn't suck up more energy.

    I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong by looking at my code so if anyone can, you're my hero :)

    Here's the code ( implements IEnergySink from the API :(

    edit: fixed link