Posts by DrRed
Please make this to be compatible with the newer IC2 versions
Meet Player
I've added a workaround in ic2.
Hey SeNtiMeL I was wondering if you were planing any sort of integration to Mosular Power Suits, I mean your flight is In my opinion a lot better.
Anyhow if you are going to please replay so I don't make the same thing
Although mine would depend on both your addon and MPS to be loaded, I also would like to add a Vajar like functionality to the power tool, I guess I could make it but since you already have I don't know, like all the code I figured I might as well ask you first. Now if you think my idea is a bit too OP you are welcome to tell me
(AKA: I'm open to suggestions)
You wouldn't need GraviSuite's support. The flight is just creative flight. -
Double the chance of getting Silverwood stuff with some extra Praecantatio. Also enchantable thus making it unbreakable, requiring less Metallum in the long run. Feels a little cheaty to me.
Do you know how hard it is to get a Repair II book? The Thaumium Grafter only has 4 uses on Silverwood Leaves.
I believe it's a 0.2% chance, slightly more with Thaumic Freebees' Thaumium Grafter.
It's double the chance. Why do you say Freebees'?
I bet you get both saplings and leaves.
At least it should, because normal chainsaw does that.I just tested it and it does give you both. Strange.
The use I was outlining was getting Silverwood Saplings but that doesn't seem to work and there isn't even a speed increase on those leaves.
Is it possible that you let the Advanced Chainsaw have two modes? Saw and Shear.
I hate it when I am trying to get saplings from trees and the chainsaw drops leaf blocks. -
Great mod!I love the advanced solars, and the advanced solar helmet was a stroke of genius. My only complaint is the lack of the additional quantumsuit effects on the ultimate solar helmet. I can understand it on the hybrid solar helmet, which is much less expensive, but as the ultimate solar helmet requires 20 iridium plates, I believe that it would only be fair to include the special quantum helmet effects on it. It is also extremely annoying to have to switch between helmets when fighting mobs such as cave spiders or wither skeletons, just to get rid of status effects. It also necessitates me having 2 HELMETS, which is an absurd waste of iridium! I hope you will consider my argument.
Why would you be fighting Cave Spiders or Wither Skeletons in a place where there was sunlight? Unless you were using an OP Soul Shard spawner.
PSA: This is being integrated.
We need electric boats. They run on EU and damage squids.
It should be a carbon plated boat with overclockers and an electric furnace.
Is it possible that you could add a config to enable the recipes of CompactSolars? I think the CompactSolars recipe is more balanced, but I like the Adv. Solars GUI and look, I especially like that they have an internal buffer.
Is the crafting recipe for the Advanced Nano ChestPlate just an advanced jetpack and a nano chest plate?
You are implying you believe someone would somehow find it a good idea to deactivate a jetpack mid-flight.
If you deactivate the engine, you forget that it's deactivated so when you jump off a mountain, you fall to your death.
I lost my new Advanced Jetpack, 5 stacks of iron and a Vile Sword with Soul Stealer V, Sharpness IV and Unbreaking III.
I don't see the point of disabling and enabling the jetpack engine because it just leads you to fall to your death.