lol it works.. why???? i want know!
Posts by ciroreed
aux.class mean the GuiAchievements.class obfuscated?
13:32:09 - ERROR: duplicate entry: net/minecraft/src/GuiAchievements.class
13:32:09 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
13:32:09 -
13:32:09 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
13:32:09 -
13:32:09 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
13:32:09 - ERROR: duplicate entry: net/minecraft/src/GuiAchievements.class
13:32:09 - ==================
13:32:09 -
13:32:09 - Decompile failed -
i guess, i 'll folloed those instructions. simply i unpack ic2 mod in minecraft.jar /bin folder, and after that i cpy bin and res folder to the mcp jars folder and i try to decompile. ... it sems some class is duplicate but... xD i dont know where is it.
im running mcp decompiler on 1.4.7 version jar with forge and ic2. I get this error, how i can fix this?
Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
13:30:05 -
13:30:05 - ERROR: duplicate entry: net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievements.class
13:30:05 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1
13:30:05 -
13:30:05 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
13:30:05 -
13:30:05 - Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
13:30:05 - ERROR: duplicate entry: net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievements.class
13:30:05 - ==================
13:30:05 -
13:30:05 - Decompile failed